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Everything posted by The_Tank

  1. yeah Can't wait to get my ticket saw slipknot at download and there are amazing so with the adding of slayer, should be once an a lifetime gig.
  2. yEAH The best song Femora has ever written is our new song, doesn't have a name yet, but its my favourite to jam with, Its very up tempo and has tribalish drum part in the middle which i always tried to add in to other songs but hasn't worked so we didn't but them in.
  3. yaeh The blinding Light- Ascension Attempt Throwdown - Haymaker shadows fall- art of balance chimaira- imposibility of reason Bleeding Through- This is love this is muderous Avenged Sevenfold - waking the fallen Killswitch Engage - alive or just breathing Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache
  4. Your a fucking stupied, shadows falls, is like Killswitch Engage but with amazing solo's, chimairia are also. I don't get how people think these bands suck when they like God Forbid and Killswitch. They probably have no clue about music.
  5. yeah It would of better to see that at Download in scotland as well, would of been less boring to watch.
  6. yeah just a reminder that femora are still looking for a vocals, were having people down this thrusday between 5 and 10 so contact me if you want to try out.
  7. well play it and you'll just love it
  8. One of the member of gilman street told me about a game called emogame. Its te best ever. I think everyone should play it. I've completed 1, 1.5 and 2 and in this time i've killed axl rose, sum 41, gene simons, saved a band from getting ass fucked my steven tyler to friends taking over the world etc, so its fun for the whole family. Emo Game
  9. No i think it came from one song we played at Mushulu on our first gig, but then we dropped it. I think it was that.
  10. Did we say that he was a bad singer, no. We just want someone who fits in more with the style of music.
  11. I thought this was a very good gig, even thought the secret fucked off. MMW I thought this was one of the best gig. I was mostly watching the drummer who, had added in alot more fill which was more interesting to watch. Also the song seem alot more bouncing. STOMA Also thought were amzaing, very amazing vocals. Very catching songs, and all round very good.
  12. This is such a stupied thread, of course sompeople love one band and others hate it, it ll just a personal opioin. So by telling someone there gay because they said a band you like is crap is pretty retarded. If we all like the same bands it would very fucking boring.
  13. Whats it about.? I heard it about the son of satan coming to earth, but the government get hold of him and make kill all these monstors. Is that about right?
  14. Well just one of the many alternative channels, it will soon be on.
  15. Fuck off, it doesn't sound like stone sour at all. it's still slipknot, but Coery taylor is just using his full vocal range. There new masks are pretty cool.
  16. Johnny truant and allegro, were both amazing. Really enjoyed Allegro new material.
  17. I wouldn't say that, chris head for his amp fucked up at the end and that was it. There was no mistakes, we just weren't on the apprioate bill.
  18. The_Tank


    I don't have a technique, i just scream and hope for the best, and it always works.
  19. The_Tank


    I thought it was on main stage. doesn't matter though, will be cool.
  20. Shadows Fall God Forbid Local Bands Black Atom X- Certs
  21. I don't think people who arn't in our modernclass would get he adventures, there too scary. Like if Ash was in our class he would break down and cry. ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
  22. I Play a premier drum kit, and i think thas better than Ludwig (Just my opioin)but care, i just have a standard kit, snare two tom toms, floor tom, hi hat, two crashes an ride all K cymbals. l also a mapex double bass pedel. the kit i've always wanted is an orange county, there the best drum kits in the world
  23. My lyrics are usual about my family, friends or just the fucked up things happing around the world. Whatever really pops in my head really.
  24. I think that was one of the best gigs i've been too in a long time, all the bands were amazng, and he gig just a great atmophere about it. It was just a great gig.
  25. Want to go but i'm going to other gigs already.
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