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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. 1.Hub is good but food is over priced. The coffee place sells beer.

    2.I can't wait for the subway. subway is the food of kings.

    3.There are free condoms upstairs.

    4.the toilets are amazing. toothbrush vendors...whatever next.

    5.there are not enough computurs. but those flip-up thnigies for plugging in laptops is cool. shem i don't own a laptop

    6.the meeting rooms are a waste of space.

    7.the lighting is cool

    i like the hub.

  2. I hate the AECC, so I won't be getting tickets for this. Shame, because I really enjoyed the Killers when I saw them live.

    so if the beatles, the who, hendrix or nirvana played there you wouldn't go either?

    you can get a great sound at the aecc. Yes it's a bit big amd concrete....but where else will they play in aberdeen?

    edit: for the slow, im not comapring the killers to any of the above.

  3. I like this kind of music. I think screaming and shouting can be good. But i don't like it here. Only reason for that is I cannot make out what the lyrics are. With many bands the screaming/shouting is good and you can still hear the words.

    Good music i think. Well recorded, nice quality. Only criticism is the vocals.

  4. Great gig.

    au revoir simone - pretentious and awful.

    The blood arm - really good showmanship. Great beginning and end of the set. NEED a bassist to add some power and oomph

    we are scientists - fantastic, brilliant. huzzah

    well done paul for booking great gig.

    1 bad thing - the sound. FAR too quiet.

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