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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. It's recorded on my phone and I have no idea how to get it on the computer. It's not that good' date=' 4 minutes of Matt forgetting the words, giggling and my whispering due to losing my voice. Get me to let you hear it next time I see you, whenever that may be.[/quote']

    Yeah okay. Probs at next punk/ska gig in town. I'll try not to make too much of an arse of myself.

  2. you were the band after us yeh?

    If so' date=' i left after you opened with a muse cover, i love muse but i hate local bands who dont have enough of their own material to play a gig, and thus you lost me after that. I did hear some of your second song, but again for me it wasnt my thing, youve got a not bad voice tho, keeping pluggin away and lose the fucking covers!!!!! :)[/quote']

    The guy with the not bad voice is gary. This is davey - the drummer. Davey is cool. Gary is also bassist/singer in tears of grace.

    gary tells me he was having an off night voice wise though so...

  3. Latest news: The next Foyerlive show is on Friday 31st March at Cafe Drummonds in Aberdeen's Belmont Street.

    The bands playing will be:

    The Hatchet Men


    Which Way Now


    It will be just £2 to get in as usual and open to anyone over 14 years old. Cafe Drummonds staff will be searching everyone at the door to stop youngsters smuggling in drinks' date=' You have been warned! Hope you will ALL make it down and a great night will be had by ALL. By the way, we are now looking for bands to play the next show![/quote']

    replayed are wank.

  4. James Blunt makes sappy songs which appeal to a wide audience and sells fuckloads of records. Wasn't difficult to work out.

    James blunt makes shit pop songs with a chorus that appeals to thousands of girls/women in teens and 20's. Silly voice, silly songs.

    Can't really blame sony - but the GLC still own.

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