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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. Jamesy - you bring a hell of a lot of gigs to aberdeen, and i think the scene is better for it BUT - don't you think it's a bnit monopolising do resevre 'gigs in aberdeen' on myspace just for rfr promotions? After all - myspace isa free service, and for the good for the locao music scene, perhaps you should put up other gigs if people send you the details?

    AS for profit and loss sheets - isn't that standard practice? Keep books and finance details etc...Anyone who doesn't is being unorganised and sloppy.

  2. Fluffy:fucking love these guys.more people that dont take themselves to seriously and thats the kind of people i like to meet!came on leaps and bounds from the last time i saw them - and for the fannys that didnt find them funny should just fuck off and play with themselves.

    er no. If fluffy and the rainbows had sense they'd have quit by now. A joke band should last for 1 gig. As a joke. And for the joke to work - it has to be listenable, and it really isn't. A drum machine and retarded riffs isn't very nice on the ears.

    yes, i enjoyed their set (because i danced around with sam and made a human pyramid) - but musically, I never want to hear it again (unless im pissed)...

    Not a personal attack on the band....fluffy didn't laugh at me when i poured my drink down my front - so I'm grateful for that.

    /rant over.

  3. It was ace.

    Sam owned. He lsot his glasses and is hairy.

    Holt folks were ace aace ace - really enoyed their set.

    fluffy were so shit it was funny :) Enjoyed Bob Hoskins and sam's wild dancing. Human pyramid was good too.

    I had to go before :(

    Saying hello to fluffy whilst pouring my drink down my front was a bit funny aswell...

    FAO MART - i think i walked into you. Sorry about that, we haven't officially met yet and im already assaulting you.

    FAO MERCH GUY - hi, nice to meet you. What's your name again?

  4. Not really impressed muchI assume thats bucket head on guitar? Although he left.....so who is the guitarist now?

    wy does their new logo look like the first linkin park logo? axl is a total nutter..

    edit - he is also named after part of a car - this makes him even more of a prat.

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