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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. Remember reef?

    I've been lsitening to them non-stop the last couple of days, but I can't find any info on t'interweb about why they split, what members are up too etc.....any ideas?

    Their last gig in Aberdeen at the lemon tree November 2002/2003 was brilliant...

    discuss. :up:

  2. ok. who's got powerpoint on their machine? who's capable of knocking up the 'slide-show' of nominees to be beamed onto the lemon tree's big screen on saturday?

    you get in free' date=' of course. all we want is a screen that says 'SUCH AND SUCH AWARD', then drops in the names of the nominees at the touch of a button, and finally clears to the winner's name. repeat 17 times. easy.

    PM me or post here if you can help out...[/quote']

    reject_monkey or scott from constantstaticgraphics will probs do it.


  3. whitegreenblack.jpg

    We are a brand new shiny Promotions collective.

    We aim to put on exciting line-ups of both local and touring bands. We're just getting off the ground and as you'll be able to see on the myspace - we have two gigs booked.

    Heard of a great band that need a date here?

    Need a gig for your band? - give us a shout, we'll consider anyone. We'll be out of the country for a month after the Along Came Man gig, but will be putting on some exciting nights afterwards eg: punk nights, metal nights, rock nights, ska nights etc etc...

    Spread the word - the mighty ducks are going to rock your socks off.



    • Upvote 1
  4. Mmmm' date=' Metallica. They'e had some good albums I'll give them that, I used to be a huge fan till I saw them live, I was soooo disapointed,and then I was stupid enough to think it must of been a duff gig and waste my money going to see them again! Stupid fool that I am! They can't play - simple as that.[/quote']

    I saw them at earls court - what a fanstic gig it wa too. Brilliant.

    dan atom - yes, they are one of the best ever - which adds to my original point that since they've been ploughing out amazing stuff for ages...they can surely experiment how they want?

    Like st anger, or hate st anger - Metallica are legends.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Actaully, although the prodtucion on st anger wasn't great - I think it's really good. enjoy listening to it.

    As four the last four being crap? What? So..load, reload, and black album Possible s&m as well if you count it? I think not - all brilliant albums.

    Metallica have been making metal for over 20 years..surely they have the right to try new things...? I have noticed that since the end of the st anger world tour they have stopped playing any st anger songs in their set lists - which is a shame because i think there are some real corkers on it!

    ho hum...

  6. as i tried to explain' date=' these shortlist's are drawn from the votes already recieved and counted at fudge gigs.

    example! i've no intention of posting a poll with every band that got nominated at the fudge gigs. there were fifty-six or something. too many anyway. so, i took the top ten/15/20 or whatever as it already stood, and those are the names put up in the online polls.

    these are the people and bands who've already been nominated by the public.[/quote']

    Yeah but the vote wasn't really fair....given that a certain 'reject monkey' voted for a certain band about 30 times....:]

    Not complaining though.....:rolleyes:

  7. Fuck YES!!! I was going down the central belt for this one but not now. Magic. As much as I love The Resignation' date=' I prefer Progress as an all-rounder.


    P.S. Sonic Boom Six for support for some, if not all, of the tour. Get in.[/quote']

    I may go to this....not heard much of the rx banits but sb6 could swing it. Also sb6 with thinkpol will be awesome!

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