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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. The tabloids have treated him like dirt.

    If someone was to ask me if i see myself working behind the till in costcutters, in a year, the answer would be 'no'

    Why can't Sven talk about his ambitions for the future....?!

    Its just piling on the pressure - As much as I want to win the world cup, we won't - the pressure is too much. shit.

  2. Matthew (the sparrow) Reynolds is back - in the form of his new band 'Thinkpol'.

    This man is, without a doubt, the best and the most underrated rock/alternative song writer in the underground uk scene at the moment.

    He has consistantly produced brilliant music, be it in the form of Howards Alias, Skylar, Loss in Sound and now Thinkpol.

    The best promotor ever (kirk) is bringing them up on March 12th at the tunnels.


  3. Because some venues' date=' like the Tunnels, are established for the benefit of promotiong good and yes "interesting" music and not primarily for making money. This is obviously a good thing rather than wanting to fuck music and care only for taking money from kids.

    The Tunnels is one of the best Venues in aberdeen for this reason, its there for the music. To some people, 30 older people who actually care about what music they're listening is quite an achievement.[/quote']

    Fair point, but the way to wored it, it sounds a bit like you assume a gig with a large younger audience will have shitty music...

    But I do see where your coming from :)

  4. I was wondering today after reading some posts' date=' what is the problem with having a young fan base? Alot of people seem to try and belittle bands when they have a lot of young folk at their gigs and i dont get it, surely this is a good thing getting younger people involved in going to see bands.


    We've had this problem for a while now aswell... It's a bit shit.

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