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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. Okay...I don't think it was a conspiracy - but I do think Bush is glad it happened because it gave him another tool to flood the states with fear.

    If the planes were not commercial airliners - then how do they explain the loss of 'passengers' and the pan-am airliners (they were pan-am right?)

  2. there is always debate about whether they can really play' date=' and how "they could never be as good as any male"

    but being a drummer myself i disagree[/quote']

    yeah i agree with you...there is no reason why a girl can#t be a good drummer.

    The girl from the donnas is hot, and she's a good drummer

    Meg white well....... I don't think the word 'drummer' really applies to her...stupid bitch.

    The drums on the along came man ep are by a girl and there's nothing wrong with them.


  3. Favourite Single? Funeral For A Friend - Streetcar

    Favourite Album? Howards Alias - Beat Heart, Beat

    Best Night Out? A few house party's

    Best Thing You Bought? double kick pedal

    Favourite Tv Show? countdown...

    Favourite Film? meh...dunno

    Favourite Computer Game? gta

    Favourite Food? fine cheeses

    Favourite Sporting Moment? dins beating rangers 3-2

    Favourite Celebrity? simon neil....if he counts as a celeb

    Outstanding Memory? Biffy Clyro live at king tuts - Mind blowing, Outstanding. Utterly beautiful.

    One Thing That Sums Up 2005: My mates, my band, my girlfriend, my fun times...so not realy one thing at all

  4. I haven't bothered to read through this thread. But here's food for thought:

    it is generally accepted that being 'religeonist' equates to being 'racist', for example:

    An attack against a Jew/Muslim/person of any other faith simply because of their faith is racist yes?

    Therefore - is it fair to say that Cradle Of Filth, and peope who wear the shirt 'Jesus is a cunt' are racist? Discuss.

  5. a eries of messages from myspace....

    ----------------- Original Message -----------------

    From: SilverFox Events

    Date: Dec 8, 2005 7:13 PM

    Hi. Silver Fox Events are organising a massive all day gig on the 8th of january at the The Tunnels, Aberdeen 2006 and wondered if you would be interested in playing this gig. There will be about 10 bands playing in all therefore a lot of potential exposure to new fans to broaden your fan base. As well as this there are other gigs available in January throughout the UK.

    08th of january The Tunnels,Aberdeen

    15th of january The Electowerkz, Islington

    21st of january The Racehorse,Northampton

    22nd of january The Town Mill,Mansfield

    29th of january The Snooty Fox, Wakefield

    All you have to do to seal a place on this gig is to tell us what address to send tickets to for you to sell! We give all bands 30 tickets in which we get the money for the first 20 and they get the money for the rest! Tickets are to be sold for 5 each giving you a potential profit of 50

    I hope you are interested in this offer and look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Silver Fox Events

    ----------------- Original Message -----------------

    From: Tears Of Grace

    Date: Dec 19, 2005 11:55 AM

    Hows about - NO.

    Pay to play is totally awful. Why on earth would we want to play for silverfox and get ripped off when it's simple to get gigs in Aberdeen?

    It seems that you are booking bands EVEN if they are unheard of and can't pull a crowd - because you know they'll all get at least 20 mates there and you'll get a shitload of cash.

    No ta.

    From: SilverFox Events

    Date: Dec 20, 2005 3:59 PM

    Its not pay to play. Bands do not go out of pocket as they sell tickets then send us the cash.

    But it IS pay to play. The band is selling YOUR TICKETS.

    The point is, any normal promotor would advertise properly, sell tickets through local record shops, sell at the door and sell some though the bands. Any tickets sold by the band the promotr gets the cash for - but the band IS NOT expected to pay the promotor for any unsold tickets!!!!!!!

    The band is then paid a reasonable wage. The majority of acts you book are pretty unheard of and will struggle to get more than 20 mates to the gig and therefore will only get paid about a tenner at max.

    Book properly like anyone honest and decent.

    Merry Christmas

  6. tears if Grace were asked about this...following some advice of other people and my own suspiscions I didn't even reply to their message on myspace.

    It seems they are booking acts even though they'll probly pull almost zero crowd because they know they'll make a packet anyway.


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