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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. Myself and bob were having a discussion about this the other day' date=' well five minutes ago but never mind.

    Recently we have noticed how many people seem to be signing up for our forums for the sole purpose of advertising their band or gigs, which is great! But it made us think that bands would actually be better off advertising on our site instead of on here due to the fact people on our forums actually attend gigs.


    Oh yeh if you dont know about it already check it out!!


    I'm uber guilty of this...

    ...I like your new songs on myspace though :)

  2. One of mine is that Harrys scar is a Horcrux. Dumbledore said Voldemort unwittingly put a bit of himself into Harry the day he tried to kill him.

    Someone in here (apologise to whoever it was but i think your 100% right) also pointed out who they thought was R.A.B. Sirius's brother and ex Death Eater Regulus Black.

    I agree about the horcrux' date=' but i thought that it would actually be harry that was the horcrux, so that must mean he has to die.............does it!!??!

    What was the thing to do with RAB again?

    And Dumbledores defo alive, i havent figured out how yet though, but i had a weird idea involving Hedwig haha!! Ive got to lay off the drugs!!!![/quote']

    i reckon dumbledore is maybe alive. But im SURE sirius is 100% alive.

  3. sorry to piss on a parade...but my mates had an experience where by they were assured they could play (they are under 18) and when they got there they almost were not allowed to play, were not paid (even after brining a good number of over 18's into the venue) and all their fans had to walk about down in the pissing rain.

    I hope this policy isn't on going.

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