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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. how can france be more prepared when they dont have the medicine like ourselfs' date=' and i dont think this is an exuse for blair bashing,[/quote']

    I'm not Blair Bashing.

    France has been stock piling tamiflu for voer a year. Alhtou it is not vaccine, it helps fight symptons.

  2. Okay, I'm getting less worried about it infecting people BUT.

    The two largest areas for migratory birds are:

    Aberdeenshire - geese etc, the newburgh estuary and the estuary up past peterhead.


    So lets say the non human version gets here. It CAN kill people, but it cannot go from person to person. Then again, it's only a matter of time before it mutates.

    In terms of birds - Aberdeenshire is very much at the centre of things should to come to Europe, or Western Russia.


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