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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. King Prawn called it a day at the end of '03' date=' I'm pretty sure.

    Yup, Lightyear were Derby's finest. Autumn '03 was when they split. I have a VCD of their last show in Derby, it's lovely :) Although, what wasn't so lovely was when I was only 15 and they whapped their bits out and played naked at Kef. Hahaha, the memories.[/quote']

    I hear that solabeat (spankboy at the time) did that when supporting spunge at the forum...?? I wasn't there - only had the joy of seeing the alliance once.

    I've just discovered the funk ska joys of adequate seven - oooh yes.

  2. the thing is' date=' metal fans may be biased bcos its metal, but then again non-metal fans are equally biased as they will automatically think they are bas bcos they are metal. I think both parties should agree to disagree before this turns into an argument.[/quote']

    Its a nice idea but it won't happen. We're aren't discussing whether mnon-metal fans can judge tog. What we're saying is that narc's comments weren't very constructive, and the basis of his argument that we have to 'prgress' from our 'cliche' is flawed.

  3. I just happened to be there because I went to see Genevieve - I'm not trying to go out my way to destroy this thread' date=' because I'm well aware there are people out there who will like you, but put simply, if you ever want to make your mark on people apart from your clique of 14 year old friends then you have to grow up out of the prosaic cliched Metallica that you play. I'm not a metal fan, so nothing you will ever compose will connect with me in any way, but this means you are not going to connect with the ordinary gig-goer either.[/quote']

    First off - yes tog had a poor night - but no need for everyone to get their knickers in a twist, we live and learn.

    Right, narc- you are really ambiguous. I do hope that 'x' metal band grow up and stop playing metal so that people other than metal fans like them.

    Are you suggesting that we stop playing our style so that people who don't like it will like it? If not, you just aren't very good at making your point. Do you think that metal fans (or 14 uear old tog fans if you like) don't count as ordinary gig-goers?

    edit: I don't mean to sound as though i am dismissing completely what you say, becuase I welcome criticism. I accpe that we didn't play great at tunnels....but i just disgaree with the bulk of what you have said here.


    I appreciate your support....but get a grip. These isa forum for people who want to express their opinions - if the guy thinks we're shit, then so be it. I just don't agree with him - no need to drop the level.

    Maybe delete that post before it DOES become a stupid argument?

  5. I can't believe there is so much positive feedback on this thread! I saw Tears of Grace at the Tunnels and they were the most pathetically unoriginal' date=' dreadful metal band I have ever had the misfortune to see. Dumb riffs, couldn't stay in time, pointless female singer and to cop it all, their very own version of the "One" solo, badly played with a few notes altered.

    Sorry if that's offensive, it's not personal, but I cannot stand brainless metal with childish set-piece moshing to accompany it. Your minds have been warped![/quote']

    Okay, something more constructive would have been appreciated.

    I don't think we're unoriginal...but thats just an opinion.

    Calling a singer pointless is pretty childish if you ask me.

    'dumb riffs' - what was dumb about them? you might think they're not good - but they aren't 'dumb'.

    and the bhand can't help it if some people choose mosh....i think it looked fun.

    We (the band) don't think this was a great gig, but it was okay; didn't go how we planned but you can't have it all.

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