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Posts posted by scottST

  1. i use a zvex fuzz factory - its good for doign thole muse-style insane fuzz stuff, but when you set it right it can do a bloody good hard distortion sound aswell. needs to be run through some valves to bring it to life tho - and the EQ set because on its own, its really trebly. once you set it though, its immense.

    and the whole oscillation thing kicks ass too:D

  2. Yeah this is basically the premise behind hiphop and the slew of genres and amazing tunes that approach has spawned over the years, it's a democratising force in some ways, which is how some people perceived punk to be, only it has lead to a huge flush of creativity and diversity thanks to the wholehearted embracing of new, enabling technology, rather than the dead end cultural cliche punk ended up as.

    plus fucking one. best post ever

  3. Only suggested Live, as I find it better than Cubase/Logic/Pro Tools for gigging..

    Although an MPC3000 would be better :love:

    we'll be starting to gig next month, and yeah i'm doing fine so far with cubase.

    how is ableton better? do you mean in terms of reliability, or otherwise?

    I need some advice here

    The only advice i can give Ross is to figure out the sounds you want your synth to make - the Virus range can do most things but i think they're more suited to dirty stuff, a'la NIN.

    Nord synths are pretty cool, but for the most part are hideously overpriced considering what they do. Bands such as Muse use Nord synthesisers live, on record they use mainly Roland JP8000s.

    for colon openbracket style stuff, there are a few VSTi plugins that emulate the whole 8-bit carry on.

    explain more, my boy:D

  4. Should leave you enough left over for Ableton Live and a reasonable controller keyboard, although making the assumption that you have a suitably powerful and portable computer

    a decent sequencer is a must i guess, although i have to admit that i'm using cubase.

    ableton just doesnt agree with me! it is very powerful though.

    and your budget is only as good as what you can do with it.

  5. access virus B ftw:D

    its taken over my set up totally, microkorg never gets used at all anymore.

    the vocoder is so good that we've decided to actually use it live too, and the usage of the external input for gating/pitchshifting external instruments like guitars is just....cool as.

    best synth ever.

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