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Posts posted by scottST

  1. Most gangster filmes tend to deal with a rise and fall plot device - Scarface being another example. I don't find them very similar at all other than possibly visual style and use of songs in the soundtrack but each to their own opinion and all that.

    classic scene from scarface when Omar Suarez gets turfed from the helicopter.....

    that film's pretty scary, i thought. maybe its the theme tune....

  2. Rob Grant continued to write the series' date=' but the last two seasons just seemed to have had the characteristic imaginative depth sucked out of them. Rob Grant and Doug Naylor both did their own separate novels that were supposed to follow on from the first two that they did together- Rob Grant's Last Human was okay, but Doug Naylor's Backwards still felt like classic Red Dwarf. Maybe if he were to work on the show again we might see a return to form. But it seems unlikely...[/quote']

    you're ever so slightly mixed up, but i know what you mean.

    it was Doug Naylor who kept working on Red Dwarf (and he wrote Last Human)....

    Rob Grant did Stressed Eric (and Backwards) after the partnership fell apart, and has kinda slipped off the radar since....

    I want season 8 on dvd, i want a toy skutter.....

  3. hey y'all, just to see if theres any update with some photographs? our website's almost ready to go up and some pics from the moorings gig could be just what we need to finish her off....!

  4. our soundcheck in total took about 5 mins. half a song and some banter.

    the rest of the time was the PA guys "fixing" a blown speaker, and loading gear onto the stage and off again ASAP.

    sorry if i sound like a cock, dont mean to - all the other bands were spot on!

    we were less than happy with our onstage sound, it was a bit of a joke. we recovered though, and salvaged a decent set from a shit start.

    decent crowd though, good to see that amount of people at the venue!

  5. yeh it was cool.

    My guitar sounded SHIT!! i think because i never had much time to sort out the amp sound (maby coz our sound cheak was about 2 min! thanks second thought!!!:up: )

    what the hell have we got to do with your soundcheck?....

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