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Posts posted by scottST

  1. How nae?

    every one should be metal.

    (sorry mate' date=' i have never heard you guys)[/quote']


    *expects slagging*

    and i dunno, paul jus gave us tickets...we've sold a good few already like. we're on last at this gig i think, dunno about the running order for sure yet. Who's taking what gear with them? i'd say you cud use my bass amp but its like 93% ready to be chucked....

  2. You've no highground here whatsoever' date=' why should I be scorned for having a certain opinion? Its all I can offer after all and we all know censoring my (or anyones) opinion is truly a matter of the highest evil and stifling of society. I wouldn't want a selfish pig like you, completely unable to think objectively, listening to my music and trying to 'poke holes' in it.

    I have actually posted quite a lot of music on this forum.[/quote']

    i remember apraxia.....they looked like Hanson :D

  3. i like it, its dirty and to the point; i see what you mean about re-recording the vocals, they're a little weak compared to what i know you can do with lucifer - they need the attitude you have in RL methinks....

    The mix is pretty good; bass is perhaps slllliiiiiiiiiiiiightly out of tune - maybe its my imagination but thats how it seems.

    its pretty impressive for a solo shot all the same like!

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