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Posts posted by scottST

  1. i think the production's pretty good actually! very clear, pretty concise....especially for a live recording!

    the song has its moments (the line "i'm just a misery" bounced around in my head for hours after listening) but overall i'm not really impressed. i do like music of that pop/punk/rock vein, and i have seen Stayover live (only once though) and despite being initially disappointed, they WILL improve i'm sure. looking forward to it guys!

  2. Being an Italian from Brooklyn is pretty stereotypical. Ever play Mario 64? "It's a me! A-Mario!"

    That and he just loves the Pope. He can't get enough of his wacky antics!

    he's got a strange penchant for Mushrooms though.....magic mushrooms at that.....makes him see these fucked up things like giant turtles, and walking bombs....

    i love mario to bits, have more or less every mario game released between 1985 and 2001......but he's a fucking communist really, isnt he?

  3. there are some total crackers of quotes - maybe not whole episodes, but parts of the show where Stewie or Quagmire are involved are usually the best....peter has his moments too....

    "now THAT's a woman! and thats a house, thats a....."

  4. Doors 9pm, first band 9:30

    Right Hand Left

    Radio Lucifer

    Today We Fight

    Noise Pollution

    this is going to be a seriously good gig - try your best to make it!

    5 on the door, 3.25 concessions/regulars

    if you dont come to this - its your loss, seriously it is. this is going to ROCK.

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