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Posts posted by scottST

  1. ..i've not been to bed yet :(

    hahah yes' date=' i only moved here like three weeks ago.. how creepy would it be if we lived like next door to each other? *twitches*..

    i'm in the block that reception is in..[/quote']

    im in the block across from the reception door. block A, as unite put it.. :rockon: 7th floor penthouse flat!!! ooh yeah.....

    so thankfully not as creepy as it could be....

    get yerself to yer bed, numpty.....!

  2. i have:



    Fender Highway 1 J-bass (trans red)

    BC Rich Warlock NJ (black, 24 fook'n frets)

    Epiphone Korina Flying V (black) - semi-retired this bass now, havent played it in aaages.....

    Amp - Marshall VBA400 head and Marshall VBC400 cab



    Fender standard Telecaster (some kind of sunbursty finish), maple neck.....mmmm....

    Epiphone Korina Flying V - natural finish

    Amp - Line 6 Spider 1x12 30w practice amp.

    Pedals - none.

  3. the recording is pretty shocking; but cos its thru a laptop from a PA with one mic set up that is rather understandable why the levels are rather disjointed and the bass is missing pretty much completely. for a first recording attempt i'll let them off with that tho.....!

    its a bit too long! maybe thats just because iv got a short attention span....

    anyways, in terms of the song itself - (the important bit) - i think its got some potential. granted the singing needs a good bit of work, singer needs keep his screams under control a bit (seems to be flying off a bit - i believe it was improvised!) and it doesnt seem to be too coherent in terms of fitting in with how the songs going - practising his vocals and getting them to fit along with the song could do it a lot of good.

    i like the intro/outro, its a wee bit biffy clyro-esque but i'll let them off! :p the middle bit is muffled by the singing but it with some practice, some work on structure and tightening up it could mature into a rather cool body of a song. the power is definitely lurking - i'd like to hear this song played in a gig situation when they've got it nailed!

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