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Posts posted by scottST

  1. as i mentioned in the other post - noise pollution are helping to organise a similar event in buckie.

    we'd love to be a part of this aswell - an event that would truly mean something, the whole scene co-operating to put on a tremendous gig.

    it can only be a good thing for all connected parties - especially for those poor people in sri lanka.

    my heart goes out to them.

  2. green day - dookie (got me into rock music)

    radiohead - the bends/ok computer (made me realise.....this is probably one of the finest rock bands of all time im listening to, and are the most major influence on my bass or guitar playing)

    muse - origin of symmetry

    ac/dc - highway to hell

    queen - greatest hits vol 1

    the postal service - give up (got me into electronica)

    guns n roses - appetite for destruction

    u2 - the joshua tree

  3. i downloaded a live performance of the entire american idiot album, they've got a heap of additional musicians for this tour.

    this is NOT their last UK tour. same story goes round every time, lol.

    they have jason white on additional guitar (hes been with them for years live), the guy who used to perform King for A Day with them in a bumblebee costume on additional percussion (ie bongos n stuff), and a keyboard player.

    green day are still essentially a 3 piece group (they wrote and played everything on the record) but live the additional instruments are pretty much essential and it makes for interesting stuff!

    on my recordin there was 3 guitarists for Boulevard of broken dreams - billie joe, jason, and another guy doing the tremolo effect.....

  4. i can't believe thom and jonny lowered themselves to do this. best intentions at heart, but hell, they should have released radioheads version of Winter Wonderland....

    fave band aid story...this is true.....

    Chris Martin was under the impression he was getting to play keyboards on the track....so he prepared for it, then turned up at the studio and was told by Nigel Godrich he wouldnt be playing keyboards any more. Chris then ensued to throw a major hissy fit, absolutely raging....then he asked who was playing instead...

    "Thom Yorke..." replied Godrich....

    Chris Martin never said a word after that. he knows who the master is......

  5. Well' date=' the news seems to be out .... Roger spilled the beans on his interview with the Wettendass Web-page gal .... so I endorsed it.

    And this time it's not just a rumour. We are in the process of looking at venues for a QUEEN tour in the spring. It really all came about because of the Fender 50th Anniversary gig that I did with Paul Rodgers. We were both so amazed at the chemistry that was going on in All Right Now, that suddenly it seems blindingly obvious that there was "something happening here". And if we were to play together some more, which we both thought was an exciting possibility, who would be the drummer ??? Well, the expression "No Brainer" comes to mind. Then the UK Hall of Fame awards just came up out of the blue. Apparently we had won one of the categories and the request was there for us to play. I had already had the conversation with Roger at this point, about how brilliant Paul Rodgers was, and, since, very conveniently, he had also been asked to be there, we agreed we would ask Paul if he would team up with us for this event.

    The rest in a way is already History. The show went so incredibly well from our point of view, and we got so many rave reactions from out there, we decided almost then and there that we would look at a tour together.

    This is what we have been doing over the last two or three weeks, looking at venues, discussing how we might approach our collective material, etc. etc.

    It's very exciting .... ever since the run-up to that Awards show, I felt in my waters that something big and scary was happening. Scary because as soon as you press the button for something like this you set a massive juggernaut into motion which cannot be stopped ! So bang goes the home life, and anything else we might have planned for the coming months. Suddenly the QUEEN Phoenix is rising again from the ashes, and will take precedence over everything in our lives. So be it. So there ya go. I won't go into more details right now, but, barring accidents, QUEEN and PAUL RODGERS will be on the road, pretty much for sure, around April 2005.



  6. it says on CNN that vinnie paul was shot at and fell.....it could be any one of them. i wud have guessed if it was vinnie they'd have said so.

    Gerald Caudill said the gunman shot the guitarist at least four times.

    "I was up close to the stage and I just saw some guy run up on the side of the stage and I heard some shots and I saw (drummer) Vinnie (Paul) fall and somebody jumped on top of Vinnie' date=' and the guy just stayed around the stage and started shooting other people," Caudill said.


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