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Posts posted by Smooth_groover

  1. assholes get through life the easy way and being honest and true and having ambition is the mug's game :(

    I agree, it's sometimes hard to 'get going' in life when you see people getting an easy ride and doing nothing for it.

    Watching good bands in Drummonds etc inspires me to get my arse moving with the band I'm in at the moment. But apart from that, seeing people who have been dealt a rough hand in life but don't let it get to them also inpires me. I mean, I could be a lot worse off!

  2. It's going to be weird sitting in the likes of Drummonds then having to say "right, I'm going out for a fag". Fair enough, banning smoking in public places can only be a good thing health wise, but for fuck sake! You can't beat a drink and a smoke while watching a good band. I can't anyway.

  3. I'll take you on a tour if you like - I've been drinking down there for over 15 years.

    None of the pubs are particularily onerous. The worst pub I was ever in was The Dancing Cairns in Northfield.

    As for the harbour... from memory:

    Aitchies - great bar' date=' very clean, good beer.

    Lorne - good fun.

    Criterion - opens early, shuts early, full of train workers.

    Tap Room - home of 'Spinal Steve' therefore best avoided.

    Wyness' - doesn't count.

    Wagleys - decent friendly bar.

    Schooner - novelty value only. Go there the morning after being burgled to buy your stolen goods back at a knock down price.

    Drift Inn - dead these days, used to have a good Sat aft jam going back in the day.

    Moorings - fuckin dump.

    Crown & Anchor - good karaoke. Friendly. Tell Val I was asking for her.

    Regent Bridge - wear something green and nothing blue and you'll be OK. Tell Frankie I was asking for him.

    Yard Arm / Molly Maguires - became Fidel's gay bar then closed down.

    Cafe Characters - very clean and friendly bar, nice people.

    Cutters Warf - Used to be OK but a bit noisey now. Can be lively.

    Peep Peeps - My favourite. Wish they would fix the jukebox. Tell Chris I was asking for him.

    Crow's Nest - shut down but it was a decent bar with a good jukebox.

    St Clements - full of hookers last time I was in. Avoid at all costs.

    Fittie Bar - Nice clean bar with nice people that live in Fittie. Pretty up market.

    Neptune Bar - decent bar with tootie the dog. Nice couple run in. Good pool table. Good jukebox. the worst bogs in Scotland.[/quote']

    And there you have it folks, may as well close the thread :laughing:

  4. Man i have wasted my night watching that crap

    Just come to work at Bk altens and you will see all that shit in just one shift.

    Haha, no thanks. I get enough shit from Martyn :laughing:

    Kinda felt sorry for Conga though.

    EDIT: wait, no I didn't !

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