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Posts posted by Smooth_groover

  1. 1. People who get annoyed when our 1 hour photo service is down! Sometimes the chemical tanks need replacing to ensure a premium quality service...what the fuck do you think the machines run on? hopes and dreams?

    2. Again, folks who can't control their kids in public.

    3. People who take a shit in my bog but don't spray air freshener afterwards OR open the window!

  2. Someone mentioned earlier that these famous people should donate money etc if they really cared - thats not the point. Most of these people (Bono etc) do charitable work in the form of donations etc etc. Live8 is about getting all of us to recognise the shite thats going on in Africa and help out as well. Nothing negative should be said about Live8 at all. The intentions of these mass concerts is to make the problem more aware, to keep it fresh in the minds of people and get people to donate.

    People who complain about there being "not enough black people" or "a bunch of has-beens" are completely missing the point. Why are you moaning about who is on the bill? It doesnt matter who is on the bill. what matters is you recognise this event for what it's trying to achieve.

    And whoever also mentioned the point about G8 ending debts but not without a catch. I completely agree. You can almost predict that this is going to happen. but hey, thats life...right?

  3. Someone earlier mentioned the 524 Lunge (yes Lunge, read the sign). Well, I've seen the biggest collection of scum stagger out of that 'pub' on many occasion. I've never actualy been inside that place nor do I want to!

    Anyway, I was walking down George Street a few months back when this guy came running up to me and said:

    "Aye, emm, yi hinna got twinty quid hiv yi?"

    He then started to tell me that he had just been hit over the head with a "big knife" and that he could not stop bleeding and needed "seein ti" by a doctor. What he didn't realise was that he already tried this on me about a week earlier. So I told him I had no money and gave him directions to 'Sweet News'

  4. I once served a guy in my work called Gareth Lord, who signed is name as 'G. Lord'

    There is also this really old lady who often appears at my work called 'Betty Fuckner'

    I've served some people with some crazy names over the years:

    Peter Cockhead (that council bloke)

    Betty Fuckner

    Michael Toldie

    John Smith


  5. To be honest I don't actualy know what pickups my Soundgear has. I bought it purely as a 'backup' guitar and I hardly ever use it. I just thought it would be nice to modify it a wee bit. Im assuming they are not top of the range hehe.

    In fact, youve got me wondering hehe, Im away to try and find the specs on it online.

  6. Hey, I'm thinking about changing the pickups on one of my bass guitars. Its nothing fancy, just an Ibanzez Soundgear basic model. Im trying to go for the Duff McKagan sound. Can anyone recommend good pickups for this sort of sound? Also, I assume R&B and Bruce Millers can install pickups for me, I've never really been into the technical side of guitars. Anyone know how much they charge for this?

    Any links etc etc would be much appreciated :)


  7. When I'm sitting around the house I usually drink either a bottle of red or hae some tinnies (recently it's been Stella). When I'm out, I usually start out with a few bottles of Corona, then move on to the JD and coke.

    I prefer sticking to the above while out drinking, but 9 times out of 10, peer presure kicks in and I hit the 'gas chambers'.

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