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Posts posted by Smooth_groover

  1. oh dear...

    but alas we can still recant the mrs alnak story another night.

    god how did that guy ever get laid....

    oh.....oh yeah.....oh yes........


    Hahahaha, yeah thats his secret all right. In fact you just reminded me of a story he told us once (half way through a class)

    "Okay class, me tell you bout story of me and son mine. we sit in park tuesday last eating sandwhich. my son good boy. he sit on swing."


  2. It's fun to read stuff on Friends Reunited. Everyone bangs on about how they still see each other and they still like horses or do computing.

    I think I put that I'm a stripper.

    Hahaha here is my Friends Reunited description.....


  3. Thankfully they all went to Kingsclere Secondary and stayed away from Testbourne and everything was fine and I didn't have to think about them again until now.

    Good for you lol, I still see some people from school begging on the streets, or passed out on George Street because they are 'fucked oot ther heed', mind you, I sometimes stumble across the odd school-mate who has actually done something decent with their life compared to the above:

    ME: "Hello Trevor, what are you doing these days"

    HIM: "Workin in i' fish n gettin fucked"

  4. There were actually children at our school who weren't allowed to say poo or wee. I was scared of them too because they looked like beasts.

    Oh yeah we had our fair share of those 'cunts' at our school as well. They really couldn't do anything without mummy and daddy 'taking out the whip'. Shame.

  5. Okay folks....

    When I was in first year there was a teacher called Mr Alnak, again, no-one liked him. He was a maths teacher. Anyway, one day we were sitting in his class doing the work as expected. When all of a sudden my mate stood up and said


    Mr Alnak stood up, took a knife out of his pocket and ran towards my mate. As he ran towards us, I jumped up, took the first baseball bat I could grab and smacked him over the face with it. As he lay on the ground with a tanned face, my mate said:

    "Aye, thats fit yi get cunt"

    There was still 25 minutes until the class was over so I taught the subject until the bell rang. After the rest of class left the room, me and my mate bundled Mr Alnak into a potato sack (he was dead) and drove to Kirkhill forest where we buried him alive.

  6. the one time i ventutred into the glass elevators i was near attacked by some surly chav females...they made me spill my drink of juice.....i hate elevators enough as it is

    I was once 'started on' in the Bon Accord Centre by 2 chavettes

    "Himin cunt, geez a fag"


    ( :rockon: )

  7. The Goonies used to scare the shit out of me when I was a nipper. 'one eyed willie' ? no thanks!

    But yeah, as Jake and Keilan said, thone glass elevator in the Bon Accord Centre makes me uncomfortable as hell !!

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