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Posts posted by Smooth_groover

  1. Ok folks, need help :D

    When I press certain keys on my laptop keyboard, numbers appear instead of the letters. Which means I have to hold down 'Ctrl' then press they key to get the letter. As you can imagine, this is really frustrating so how do I fix this?

    Thanks in advance.


  2. the question is' date='what is the main reason for their doings? is it long hair? music taste? what?[/quote']

    I think neds basically beat people up for the sake of it. I've noticed that although neds batter people with long hair etc etc, they also fight 'amongst themselves' as it were.

    Five neds kicking in one person makes that group of five look hard amongst themselves (or so they think). It also gives them something to "spik aboot".

    What pisses me off is seeing a group of neds having a laugh with the local police. Then ten minutes later, hassling people for no reason once the cops have gone.

  3. Having a decent light source is a good help. But the most usefull thing to have is an eye for photography. This is what determines good photography from mediocre. I personally use film and digital because to me, the format on what I shoot is irrelavent. I agree though, being in the darkroom is good fun, but from a proffesional point of few - digital is the way to be.

    For those of you about to embark on a photography course, remember - there is A LOT of theory to get your head around, but it is worth it. Enjoy :cheers:

  4. Indeed' date=' good guy. Never worked for him but have certainly covered a fair few weddings with him. If you see him, tell him Im asking for him.

    He is a damn good videographer :rockon:[/quote']

    Yeah he was asking for you the other day

    "I hear he's doing pretty well for himself these days" he said.

    I don't know how accurate that actually was haha :D

  5. With the digital revolution there are some excellent film deals to be had.

    I have an EOS1n RS sitting here stagnant and an EOS 3. Both great cameras but I never use them anymore.

    PS Mr Groover' date=' that is a great deal! :cheers:[/quote']

    Okay that's cool. Hey btw, I hear you used to work with Alan Gordon? is this true?

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