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Posts posted by Reptile

  1. You started it .......................................................

    Theres a goth walking down the road with a rat on his shoulder.

    An old lady walks past, stops, stares at the two and says "Yeuk! What are you doing with that revolting creature?"

    "Squeak squeak squeak!" says the rat.

    Why is it so hard for goths to get work?

    Because all they can do is mope the floors are depress the buttons

    there is a goth, a metalhead, and a punk standing at the edge of a cliff, how do you tell who's who?

    Simple the goth is the one contemplating jumping off the cliff, the metalhead is yelling at the goth "JUMP! JUMP!" and the punk is the one who runs up from behind and pushes them both over!!

    How many goths does it take to change a lightbulb?

    Three, one to change it and two to talk about Lord Byron's Grand Tour and creative uses of laudinum in a metaphysical environment.

    How many goths does it take to change a lightbulb?

    None, but one has to light the candle.

    How many goths does it take to change a lightbulb?

    Six. One to change the bulb, five to scream "Turn that bloody light off!"

    What do you get if you cross a goth and a toilet?

    The cisterns of mercy

  2. Was this on TV recently? Let me know cos otherwise I'd planned it for Tuesday. And you thought After Hours was a headfuck LOL!

    EASTER EGG: in the Limited Edition DVD (and in the standard Region 2 edition) allows the movie to be watched in the exact chronological order of the events in the film. The first couple scenes of the regular cut of the movie appear normal in this version, meaning they are not reversed. However, this version of the movie is on Disc 2, is quite difficult to reach (the user must answer several questions and solve a puzzle), and forward, reverse and chapter skip capabilities are disabled

    Play it backwards - there is the real headfuck - see if anyone notices

  3. "Arguing on the internet is like being in the Special Olympics - you may win but you are still a retard" - Digital Avatar during a flame war on another list

    "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one Ive never tried before."

    - Mae West (1892-1980)

    "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move."

    - Douglas Adams (1952-2001)

    "We dont like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out."

    - Decca Recording Company, rejecting the Beatles, in 1962

  4. Who actually died...because I heard it was Vinnie Paul as well...because when I went to the official Pantera site...that is what it said...but then later...it had changed to just Dimebag...I'm so confused!

    Still...a piece of my rock and roll heart died yesterday!!!!



    Local News Station

    Only Dimebag from the band and the security guy The other three were crowd members :moody:

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