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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Holy fuck that's a hard one! As series' go, I'd have (in no order) Halo Gears of War Bioshock Starcraft Command and Conquer CoD Assassin's Creed Arkham (assuming City is as good as Asylum) Tekken Street Fighter (including Marvel vs Capcom). I think. Individial games would be a long and troublesome job to narrow down to 10, more so to order them! xx
  2. I must admit I do get pretty bored of games that have a layout that means there's only one possible route from point A to point B and nowhere to get lost along the way. I've always enjoyed being told "kill that guy" and having to decide if you want to sneak in, kill him and sneak out or destroy fucking everything... etc. Assassin's Creed is pretty good for this but if you want to get the 100% sync shit then it takes away the fun of getting to choose how you do things. Arkham Asylum did it really well. Even though there was probably only a handful of ways to get through any given scene it didn't feel like you were being walked down a path with your hand held the whole way! Still haven't got Arkham City yet! xx
  3. I do absolutely agree with that, I just like the double-thumb technique to add more dynamics to faster passages. I like being able to play with different techniques and styles, even if I rarely use them in any 'band' situation. I had found myself stagnating and not pushing myself to get any better, so I decided to dive into some shit I could barely handle listening to, much less playing, and move from there. I'm picking up some John-Paul Jones, Entwhistle and Duck Dunn stuff, too. Entwhistle had some MAD skills but he couldn't half wank on aimlessly when he wanted to. Won't Get Fooled has one of the best and worst basslines I've ever heard! xx
  4. I keep trying to please everyone! The scenes where you have to choose one person to save always totally throw me! xx
  5. The outer Aberdeen cats protection have something like 20 kittens and 20 cats all looking for homes atm. The woman we met in bridge of don had no less than 10-15 kittens in her garage! They've been finding abandoned litters in barns and fish boxes left right and centre! If you happen to be thinking about adopting, now wouldn't be a bad time! xx
  6. Just played chapter 1 of Walking Dead. Bought it sight-unseen not knowing what to expect. Really, really enjoyed it. Looking forward to playing again and making some different choices. xx
  7. I had been trying to pick up some Vic Wooten material, mainly trying to get some of his techniques down then worrying about actual riffs and songs as a secondary objective. Then I got lazy and stopped being arsed. Also trying to learn some theory and ideally learn to sight-read. Just because. xx
  8. Banjo gone. Still after a pair of P90's that'll drop-in as replacements to 'buckers. £50 for the guitar? xx
  9. Following up on this 'lighter note' jazz, cats protection have reserved two kittens for the wife and I and we shall be taking them home in about 3-4 weeks when they are old enough xx
  10. Yeah that's exactly it, that cat has slept in my bed with my wife and I since the day we got back from honeymoon. He was a wedding present to ourselves. He was a family member. . Adopting two kittens from Cats protection next month because the house just feels too empty without him! xx
  11. Nah, the vet called to say that a cat had been found, they scanned the microchip and got our details. I didn't ask because there's really no 'good' answer. I figure either he got hit by a car or was ill and just went away to find a quiet place somewhere. xx
  12. My cat had been missing for two weeks, he's just been found dead It's absolutely devastating, he was only two. Absolutely fucking heartbroken. xx
  13. Yeah that's the remaining confusion - what if you are quoting someone asking a "question?"?,. xx
  14. Yes! Perfect, so if I open the quote with a colon, then the grammar inside the quote can end the sentence. Lovely. xx
  15. I'm sure I remember hearing that if the quote ends with the same device as the sentence containing the quote, that you don't need to repeat it, but I could be wrong. xx
  16. Ahh ok, that makes sense. And yeah that was what I've been going with so far. What about: Mary said "There's a turd in my cleavage." <- since the quote ended in a full stop, I don't need a full stop after the quotation marks? Mary said "There's a turd in my cleavage.". <- because that looks fucking daft. Just like if you're quoting someone who is asking a question you don't need a second question mark? Can you believe she had to ask "is there a turd in my cleavage?"? xx
  17. Two for the grammar nazis: What the fuck is the deal with using an apostrophe in the word "it's"...? I know the apostrophe goes there if it's a shortened version of "it is" i.e. "There's a turd in my cleavage. It's fucking stinking." But, why does spell check not like an apostrophe when I'm implying ownership? "Kevin's shit is still in Mary's cleavage. Its smell is giving me the boak." I would have thought "its" would need an apostrophe since the smell belongs to the turd in question? Also: if I use a quote at the end of a sentence, how does the grammar get laid out? Did she really say "there's a turd in my cleavage?" Did she really say "there's a turd in my cleavage."? xx
  18. Bought these on whims but are surplus and i have other shit I'm gassing for. Want £60 each or Will take £100 for the pair. Open to offers and also looking for either P90 (humbucker retrofit guitar pickups or any bass pickups (plus cash either way). Xx
  19. I don't know what that is...? I didn't go to AU! xx
  20. Unless he's dealing in Bison Dollars. Then it's £375. xx
  21. Recommendations? Anywhere that sells coffee - where else? xx
  22. Sick day Hoping to get them running every couple of months if there's enough interest. Concerned about attendance for this one since the schools are on holiday! Feel free to be a lamb and punt out a share of the facebook event if you want! xx
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