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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I have a Nirvana logo on my wrist, does that mean my band sound like Nirvana? Fucktard. xx
  2. Absolutely right. It was a daft comparison to make, all I was pointing out is that ADTR don't belong in the same category as Blink et al. xx
  3. Stupid name. [blank]core needs to be a 2 syllable word. Mathcore, deathcore, grindcore. Regardless of what you call it though, if there was a scale from hardcore to pop punk, with blink and black flag at opposite ends, ADTR would be closer to the hardcore end that pop punk. I don't understand why everyone lost their shit over that. How fucking dare anyone compare another band to the holy grail that are Black Flag?! BF were awesome and so other bands have taken influence from them and copied their style. ADTR have taken what BF did and watered it down a fuckload, removed the testicles and everything that made BF great and ended up with a teenage-girl-friendly version of hardcore. Easycore or popcore. xx
  4. No no, ADTR are nothing like Black Flag, but they are also nothing like Blink 182. They don't fall under the same genre as either band but they would be closer to being hardcore influenced than pop-punk influenced. I wouldn't call them a hardcore band but I wouldn't call them pop punk either. I'd make up a weird half-way thing like popcore. That's what they are. Popcore. xx
  5. I fucking love that the only cast member in that movie who is a non-native english speaker is meant to the the red-white-and-blue-blooded American protagonist. Fucking great. xx
  6. Well that's fucking disappointing. I was kinda hoping it'd be along the lines of Z-Day and try to actually capture the theme of the comics. Make it about long-term survival rather than just a race to a finite finish point. Boourns. xx
  7. There's a Walking Dead game?! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY NEW XBOX?!?! xx
  8. It's the bit that's most likely to go arse-about-tits unless you have really good equipment. Might add to the price but it'll add more to the quality. xx
  9. I was worried about the neck-making but I figure worst case I could buy a good fingerboard and it'd come out half-decent even on a pretty crappy neck. xx
  10. Bit of both. Have a few ideas for body shapes to play with but it's gonna be a tweaked version of something existing. Probably an ibanez-type shape as they are usually pretty interesting. Pup placement etc and will all be taken straight from existing. Gonna have a bucker in the bridge and a p-pup in the middle I think. Or maybe two buckers like a G&L. The neck willl be troublesome as if it's baws then it's a useless guitar, so that'll all be from templates. If you're up for splitting a job-lot of nice timber and can get a decent deal from the guy I'd be happy to pitch in with you. I'm not too far from Craigevar timber but have never got round to going round to chat to them! xx
  11. Hoping to make a bass from scratch. Then a guitar, too. What sawmill, just out of curiosity? xx
  12. Where'd you get the wood? #penisjoke Seriously though.. I need some decent, ideally cheap timber for a project. xx
  13. It's open to ALL levels of ability. If you want to bring some crayons down and have a go nobody's gonna judge! xx
  14. Oops. added the wrong date here when I first created it. It is on Saturday June 30th, 2-5pm @ Cellar 35. xx
  15. I bet Jake has suggested it at some point.... xx
  16. I know denying this will be more incriminating.. but I actually just hit Zebrahead into youtube and that was one of the first hits - I'd never seen it before. It's so fucking bad, I love it! xx
  17. So details on the first event! We are on twitter: @DrSketchyABZ and Facebook, too. Please try to come along to this if you can. Facebook event is here, give it a share if you have any/many friends who may be interested in such capers. xx
  18. This thread was epic, then got shit, but now it's great again. I see your Bizkit and raise you this, beyotches. xx
  19. Power Violence is just a hop, skip and a jump from Pop Punk though, right? I mean it's basically the same as hardcore and metal.... xx
  20. If this thread reaches the 50-page mark then I will, purely on the off-chance that our debut gig may have a $hutt£r$p££d-style cult following. Probably nae, though. xx
  21. ...and spearheading the mums! AMIRITE? xx
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