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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. But they are local and, although they span a few different genres and sub-genres, I'd say they still land somewhere in the family we're talking about here. Punk/Hardcore/Noise/PowerViolence/Rap-Punk xx
  2. Isn't it.... Isn't it just punk music with a poppy, slightly more mainstream edge...? #readthelabel xx
  3. Aren't Oath of Kings local? asshole wifebeater or otherwise, that counts...? Dweller are in there too. Not sure who the other lot are or if they are local or not, tbh. xx
  4. They are definitely not pop-punk. Genres evolve but when such a marked contrast starts to appear, genres branch off. That's how punk became pop-punk, skate-punk, thrash-punk and horror-punk. ADTR etc are a new sub-genre. Way closer to comparison to Black Flag than Blink 182. xx
  5. http://www.dailydischord.com/tickets/ There are definitely some local hardcore bands in those support slots! xx
  6. Lies. There are no girls on the internet. Rule 37. http://rulesoftheinternet.com/index.php?title=Main_Page xx
  7. As support slots, more often than not. I'm not up to speed with the scene, a lot of the names on the bills I see recurring and assume to be local. xx
  8. I dunno.. look at Daily Dischord, most of their gigs cater to that kind of audience! xx
  9. Oh yeah I don't doubt that as a genre it'll last every bit as well as punk has. It may evolve and so on but there'll always be music in this vein. My point is that the "popular" alt. genre will change. It was pop punk, now it's hardcore. I think. All the kids seem to be into hardcore anyway. I'm out of touch. xx EDIT: Also, guys wearing skinny as fuck jeans and shirts buttoned all the way up to the neck look absofuckingloutely ridiculous. As do those stupid deep-V tshirts. #old
  10. Big contradiction there. You're saying clothes don't come into it, then you say that there is a definite change in fashion - basically swinging from one extreme to the other - which coincides with skate punk becoming less popular and hardcore taking it's place as the "mainstream alternative genre". I'm not saying that hardcore is a fad, it's been around too long for that, but I am saying that this absolute saturation of every local scene with hardcore music (from good to fucking dreadful) will blow over eventually. While 5-10 years ago every kid who picked up a guitar started their first band playing covers from Enema of the State or Dookie, now it's A Day To Remember (or whoever are the Green Day of hardcore music). It's exactly the same, just a bit different. The hairstyles and the clothes change, as do the chord structures from time to time, other than that it's just waves of angry kids forming a bandwagon. xx
  11. I was caught off-guard by this making me laugh, so I did a stupid wheeze-honk kind of noise. /coolstorybro xx
  12. I want this. So, so hard. If I can get my B410 sold then I'll take it! xx
  13. Eleven...? What is he a fucking animal?! xx
  14. I.... He....Wow. I really, really hope he's never met this girl and used this video to introduce himself. xx EDIT: Watched it to the end. It's even greater than I had hoped. WHAT THE FUCK MAN?! She's, like, 12?
  15. I just watched this. lol. i like how he pretends to have a microphone while singing into his fist. what a guy. i bet he has mad stage presence. and crowd surfs n shit. Xx
  16. Because it's the 90's, apparently. xx
  17. Doing shots in the eye is total shite (unless you're a woman RIGHT LADS), too. It doesn't enter your bloodstream, ever, and has no effect on you other than fucking up your vision. xx
  18. Does electro-acoustic-only mean no 4-stringers are welcome? xx
  19. She said that. That is literally what she said. xx
  20. It's ripe to be trimmed by the mods any time now, though. Rathen will be out with the pruning shears soon. xx
  21. I won't rise to the bait mango fuck yourself. xx
  22. I just meant that people could throw fruit at the performer. I didn't want a pun-fest to start. Now this whole discussion has turned sour. Full of rotten banter. xx
  23. Would be rough as fuck if the gig went bad though...! xx
  24. We actually chose the place because it shared a name with our favourite kebab shop. xx
  25. Wife and I went to Marmaris last year. Wanted a cheap and cheerful, all-inclusive holiday to sit in the sunshine on the beach or by a pool and read. I'll find the name of the place we stayed but we both went for a week and were somewhere around £500-£700 all in. Flights, hotel, transfers et al. xx
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