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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Take it to the online dating thread, weirdos. xx
  2. Stroopy121


    What's brown and rhymes with Snoop? Dr. Dre xx
  3. The guy in the drawing is obviously white. You're all just fucking racists. xx
  4. I can half-understand DMBs point, but at the same time I'm completely lost.. I agree with your definition of a record label - making money and pumping money back into bands to develop them - that's fine. BUT, I sincerely don't understand your grievance with smaller labels which are either running at a loss or working to break even. Take Tuff Wax as an example - I'm not at all familair with the financial comings and goings of the label, but there are two ends of the scale: 1 - the label is making mega-bucks, developing artists and generally being a record label as described earlier 2 - they are putting out small batches of good* music to small, loyal audiences and are losing money or are just skating by While 2 may not fit the previous definition of what a record label is meant to be/do, it's an enterprise built entirely on a love of good music and the desire to help bands spread it. Even if it's only moving artists from a tiny, tiny scale up to a very small scale via a 200x run vinyl release of a 3-track EP it's still about MUSIC, not posing. Option 1, however, is far more likely to come down to working with artists based on projected profitability and marketability, which isn't a bad thing - they need cash flow to function - but it does mean that it's less about a love of good music and more about politics, money, selling out, all that trite rubbish that people complain about. The gripe you seem to have is with individuals whom you believe have poles up their arses and are running some elitist boys-club local label who only work with bands they're mates with and are shutting promising bands out because they want to appear "exclusive". While that would be dick-ish behaviour I can't think of any local labels around here who act like that, unless you'd care to enlighten me and point out who it is you're referring to then your whole argument just reeks of you being bitter about not being fawned over and rather than improving your work you're blaming small-scale elitism. /2p. * Good is a subjective term. Even IF I thought everything Tuff Wax released was gash, it doesn't matter. Tuff Wax release what they subjectively think is good, just like Black Lake are putting out what they think is good. xx
  5. Yeah I clocked that it's not actually an AD200 after I posted. Still a beautiful collection, though. xx
  6. Holy.Fucking.Jesus. The holy trinity of bass amps. WANT! xx
  7. That is fucking gorgeous! Who's making it? xx
  8. So I'm thinking about swapping the 'buckers on my epi LP for P90s. P90 suggestions? Alternate 'bucker suggestions? xx
  9. I think the idea of the Jubilee is fucking retarded, I hate the royal family and everything they represent about this country. BUT, although I don't know the figures, I'd be willing to wager that the government's outgoings this weekend were out-weighed by the good done for the economy. A percentage from all the money folk spent on plastic hats and flags will go right back into the tax fund that paid for the whole wretched affair. I would be very surprised if the country made a loss here. Same for the Olympics. /2p xx
  10. That sounds painful. xx
  11. If you wanna see Russians being stupid just go to Belmont St on a Saturday night AMIRITE LADS?? LAAADS? xx
  12. Infact, I'll take both basses. PM sent. xx
  13. Yeah but burglars have successfully sued homeowners because they got injured on their property... Haven't they? xx
  14. That's a fucking ace idea! I cut my hand on the broken glass in ASDAs bin trying to rescue some slightly out-of-date sandwiches from their bins. Give me £1,000,000.00. xx
  15. Please don't have sex with him! Save yourself for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......... xx
  16. I don't recognise any of those.. xx
  17. Who the fuck would press charges for stealing rubbish..? xx
  18. This is where I love working in such a big building. I can get up and walk in any direction and it'll take me to a shitter. Don't have my phone charger with me today though and my battery just died. Boourns. xx
  19. Cunts who overtake you on a horrendously dangerous blind corner, or somewhere equally stupid, then once they are ahead of you they drive slower than you were in the first place and hold you up?! xx
  20. That's why it's a double deluxe. xx
  21. Excellent. Should be modded to say Grungin' though. xx
  22. does the dial on the far right say "Crunch" or "Grunge?" xx
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