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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Soldering headphone wires is a NIGHTMARE job. It's not just straight-forward copper, the strands are coated and insulated so you need to burn it off before you can do anything with it. It's doable but it's not as easy as fixing guitar wiring or similar. xx
  2. I have a Macro account and the booze is generally cheaper at ASDA, Tesco or any of the other major supermarkets. Especially if you opt for stuff that's on offer. xx
  3. Yeah, that's just flat out bullshit to make the story more "newsworthy" xx
  4. Damn, I'm not gonna be impressed it fatboy pokes her before I do and wins the sweeper! XX
  5. I think they are just fuckwits who can't tell the difference between £2.5k and £25k. I hate newspapers. xx
  6. So, the wife works in a coffee shop who are considering doing open mic/acoustic gigs at weekends. They have a PRS licence which allows them to play the radio/music channels etc. Is another licence, any other legal gubbins or misc crap required in order to be able to legally host gigs? xx
  7. I must get in on that action. Sounds like it's everything that Left4Dead wanted to be. xx
  8. No, he's a vampire and the heat makes him affy thirsty. xx
  9. Dearest Boss, Blah blah blah work stuff. Love and puppies, Me xxXxx
  10. Seen two absolute fucking lunatics on bikes yesterday, one on the wee carriageway passing kingswells and another on the road out to Alford. Fucking dickheads. /coolstory xx
  11. Of course. That's why I wank. xx
  12. I don't know what your talking about. xx
  13. Did the eyes in Woods' AV change colour or were they always glowy? xx
  14. Yeah tbh I just saw the face, made an the assumption in my first post and just left it there. xx
  15. I'm looking for any old/broken/unwanted FX pedals. Looking to start building a couple of homebrew efforts and if anyone is looking to get rid of a couple then it means I won't have to fuck around building housings. Anyone? xx
  16. That...er.. was a typo? My bad. xx
  17. See I re-watched the film the other day with father-in-law and although I didn't spend the whole time with my jaw on the floor as I did the first, I still say it's pretty near perfect. For central character conflicts you didn't as much have any internal battles but the conflicts between characters and clashing personalities. Having so many protagonists in a film essentially meant that they could have given one, maybe two of them an in-depth, character driven plot which would basically just render the whole film another story around Cap, or Hulk, or whoever got that story. By not trying to do too much with it, they did just enough. Look at Spider-Man 3 as an example. They had Venom, Sandman and Hobgoblin all in there, and tried to give them ALL fully developed stories and it just came out as a clusterfuck. I do agree that more fight scenes might have been cool but there are a fucking few of them scattered through it: Loki turning up and kicking some ass Cap/Iron Man fighting Loki in Germany Iron Man vs Thor Hawkeye assaulting the heli-carrier which included: Banner Hulking out Loki's escape Iron Man and Cap saving the ship Then there's the final battle which was epic. The other strong hand they played was that they didn't try to shoe-horn in a bad guy (unless you count the little snippet after the credits where they reveal... that Red Skull was alive and behind the whole thing). I see where you're coming from that it's a little bit plot-less action without enough ACTION in there, but I think the fight scenes in it were all fucking brilliant. Best of all, they were 'believable'. There weren't many of those irritating moments where a scene drags on past it's reasonable conclusion which IMHO kill so many of those films. xx
  18. They don't let you give blood if you've had a tattoo or piercing within the past thousand years, so I've never had the chance to go back after the first two or three times. Sucks though, I loved getting stuck in to the free coffee and biscuits afterwards! xx
  19. The Chernobyl tour would be absolutely incredible. Would fucking love a slice of that action. xx
  20. Fuck Radiohead. Like Coldplay, but more pretentious. xx
  21. http://www.scottrobertsweb.com/scoville-scale.php Get yourself some Blair's 16million reserve! xx
  22. Yeah - the upside to the drum sound on that demo is that it keeps it all sounding tight. If home-demo drums are too rough it can send the whole recording down the pan. What was the setup for recording? xx
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