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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Anyone know of a comprehensive document explaining the ins and outs of the financial implications of Scotland gaining independance? I know that the pro-independance argument is that Scotland would keep more of our income and become and become rich cunts in the process. Just curious if there are actual numbers anywhere to back this up. Y'know, Scotland takes in X, but gives Y away to England, Z is left for Scottish spending, but A% of the Y that was given to England will benefit Scotland... I believe that the independance == being rich argument is shit, but I'd like to know the numbers to back that up, or to be proven wrong empirically, rather than anecdotally. xx
  2. Fucking fortune though. Even second hand you're looking at £1,200. xx
  3. How much for the OLP? Pics? Colour? Maple or Rosewood board? xx
  4. I'd be happy with that! Strip the finish and respray, save a cheeky grand or so! xx
  5. Love em. Always had a serious boner for Mosrite, too. In this colour: xx
  6. Just bought this badboy from Needheid My other babies are: Mexican Jazz which I'm starting some upgrades on. New BABCIZ bridge just installed and now hunting down some pups. Covered in stickers and grafitti Fender Power Jazz Bass Special. All original barring a refinish due to catastrophic drop-damage. Amp-wise I'm running nothing special. Ashdown MAG300 head and Ampeg B410HLF. Mounted in a Gator case with a rack tuner. Looking to overhaul my amp completely though. Going to start building pedals, starting with an Orange Crush compressor and Bass Tubescreamer replicas. From there I'm considering getting one of these: The head is modular and can drive a 410 pretty happily. If I get that and use a pedalboard I should be able to get much more versatility (as well as a usable practice setup) which will be easier to move around. xx
  7. Have wanted one of these for a long, long time: Always fancied an American G&L but having played with Neepheid's Tribute and realising it's got as much balls as a 'Ray but more versatility, I figure I'll go for that rather than pay 2-3x the price for the "USA" nametag. i'd want a matching headstock colour though, if I could pick one up cheaply I'd probably strip the colour off and redo it in hot pink or something equally quirky. Would be tempted to re-shape the headstock, too and get rid of that little pointy bit. Once I pay off my latest acquisition I'll probably invest in the G&L. Or maybe a new amp. One of these. xx
  8. I've only had one oriental cat, she was a part-siamese, part something-or-other. She was lovely, really really good-natured but if you left her out of a room for any reason she'd fucking HOWL. Loudest cat I've ever heard. She'd mew in my flat and I could hear her in the fucking lift on the opposite end of the building. xx
  9. Avengers Assemble Unghhh... *blat*. If you don't love this film, it's because you've went in wanting to dislike it. Perfect superhero movie. And I'm pleased to say that Mark Ruffalo was brilliant as Bruce Banner - I expected him to pale in comparison to Ed Norton but he really did a great job with the character. 10/10 Super I expected this to be somewhere between the Green Hornet and Kick-Ass but IMHO it's better than both (and I fucking loved Kick-Ass!). Rainn Wilson is a fantastic anti-hero and Ellen Paige (who I previously disliked greatly) was fantastic as the trying-too-hard, lovable loser sidekick. Kevin Bacon is also fantastic, even though whenever I see him all I can picture is: I expected it to be fairly PG bar the odd sweary word, having not read anything about it in advance, but it's also one of the most hilariously violent films I've ever seen. ..and I was so fucking happy when Bolty got her head blown off... And when Frank stabs Kevin Bacon to death at the end. They completely sidestepped two of the biggest movie cliches. Brilliant ending. 10/10 xx
  10. Who the fuck has carpet in their bathroom?! xx
  11. Nadia Oh? Or a different Nadia? xx
  12. Jake, sincerely, you'd been on good form the past week or so with your posts. Please stop before the boards get cluttered with people looking for pats on the back for 'ignoring' you again. Please. xx
  13. Maybe not quite a new band specific thread, but a useful one IMHO Merchy Stuff http://www.glasgowbadges.co.uk/ Amazing prices for badges, not bad for tshirts. http://www.phantomscreenprint.co.uk/ Tshirts. xx
  14. Technically, Spider-Man should be on that list but Sony are fucking ass-hats. xx
  15. Virgin. Unlimited broadband. £20-30 a month or so, not including phone shit. Service has been fucking rank lately but that may just be due to being cuntry-dwellers. xx
  16. I thought it was like "street worker" but a bit more specialist... Live and learn! xx
  17. Isn't that what "youth worker" means though? If not then no wonder all my applications were rejected! xx
  18. Aren't "migranes" just a headache version of man-flu? xx
  19. Isn't an apostrophe acceptable to use in an abbreviation? Since semi's is short for semi-acoustics it's allowed? xx
  20. Are you calling Slutbags a whale? Uncool. xx
  21. I think they got that idea from Amazon, the way they recomend similar products based on what you've bought is genius! xx
  22. Wife recieved one of these as a gift during marathon training but was then told she couldn't run due to back problems. Watch has been taken out of the packaging, looked at, re-packed and left well-enough alone since. I'm pretty sure that's the right model below, but I may be wrong. Pictures to follow. As I said, it's brand new, so first offer around £100 will take it, but feel free to try to haggle. http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&oe=&q=GPS+watch&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=8969971215873022618&sa=X&ei=CYKWT9_EBo2DhQfV4KnPDQ&ved=0CJIBEPICMAU# xx
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