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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Especially with that russian logo thing on your hat. xx
  2. Does counterstrike exist on xbox or am I imagining that? xx
  3. Worst of it is, if the original post doesn't have a price or trade options, even if you name a price a few comments down a lot of folks won't bother reading the whole conversation to see, they'll just move on. xx
  4. Wait, FUCK! I've been sucked into your fucking band banter again haven't I?! xx
  5. Good lesson. What is the onemanarmy/dangerclose thing? xx
  6. I have no idea what you're talking about here? xx
  7. Yeah, £30 a year to keep your personal details safe is pretty shocking! xx
  8. Get married. Best of both worlds. Eventually the sex just disappears and you find yourself magically freed of the burden of it. xx
  9. I don't mind it, but tbh no matter how bad it is I'd play it until I prestige anyway. I do prefer Black Ops though, but the whole earn points - buy upgrades thing fucks me off. BUT, I prefer that than having to level up yourself as well as levelling up EACH FUCKING WEAPON to unlock different scopes et al. Why not just reach level 10, unlock this gun and all it's gubbins to choose from, eh?! EH!?!?!? xx
  10. Black Ops sounds good to me. Stroopy121, add me. xx
  11. It's a date! (as long as the wife lets me...) xx
  12. I don't own BF3, but I'd be up for getting some GoW, MW/BlackOps/MW2 or Halo going over the weekend? xx
  13. This is lifted straight from another forum I frequent - the trading forums rules and FAQ: Rules: Items that are not allowed to be sold here under any circumstances: Firearms, controlled substances, counterfeit items. All sales are subject to approval by site administration. If you are not sure that the item you wish to sell or use as a trade with another member is appropriate, please contact a moderator, or site administration via the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page. No Ebay or other auctions. Threads started with the intent to advertise an auction will be deleted. Links to auctions will only be allowed if posted as a reply to an existing (at least one week old) thread originally advertising the direct sale of the same item. Mark Sold Items If your item sells, close your thread (see above) NO Piggybacking Do not mention your item for sale in another's thread. Only list your items in threads you start. Excessive Bumping of Ads is not permitted. Bumping of an ad threads is allowed under the following conditions; Delete all prior bumps, and only bump once per 24 hours. A bump is not just a post that says “bump” or “Monday morning bump” or “bumpaboo”, but ANY POST that does not feed the thread with relevant information. Adding of pictures is a valid reason to bump your forsale thread, as long as it falls within the above rules - no more than once per 24 hours and delete prior bumps beforehand. Please don't attempt to help non-SMs dodge the rules by posting their gear for sale. TalkBass For Sale ads are only to be used for listing a Supporting Member's personally owned gear. No surcharges on an item are allowed, this includes the 3% for Paypal. That fee is the seller's responsibility, not the buyer. Paypal's usage agreement specifically prohibits this. Do not request a payment be sent through Paypal as a personal payment or gift. This leaves the buyer with no recourse should there be a problem - Paypal does not allow for contesting gift transactions. This is also against the Paypal usage agreement, and can result in action taken against both the buyer's and the seller's accounts. --Please refer to this announcement for more regarding Paypal transactions : http://www.talkbass.com/forum/announcement.php?f=126&a=230 -- If you post a "feeler" ad, you MUST post a price with it. This is not an auction site - If you want people to "bid" on your item, take it to ebay. Trade feeler threads are allowed, but if it turns into a FS thread, seller MUST post a price or the thread will be immediately closed or deleted. Posting a price does NOT mean something frivolous. For example, posting a bass for sale with a sale price of $1,000,000 will not fly. If you are selling multiple instruments concurrently, or if you have several threads posted, please consider consolidating your items into one thread ("Fender XyZ and Warwick AbC FOR SALE!"). Seller FAQ's Full disclosure The TalkBass classifieds operate to a large degree on trust. As such, *any* known material modifications to a bass - including, but not limited to :pickup / preamp replacement, neck change - MUST be disclosed at sale time. Buyer FAQ's Q: What should I do if I’m interested in an item or have a question? A: Reply to the post or contact the seller via e-mail or private message. NOTE: using the “Report this post to a Moderator” link will NOT contact the seller. Q: If I'm 100% sure I'm buying an item, can I post a message saying the item is sold? A: No one but the seller can say whether their item is sold or not. Q: How do I know if a price is negotiable? A: Usually a seller will say if his price is an “Asking price” (open for negotiation) or if it’s “firm” (meaning that’s the final price). “OBO” means “or best offer”, meaning the seller is willing to sell the item for the closest offer to their original asking price. Q: What does it mean when someone posts "bump" in a reply? A: As you know, when a reply is posted in a thread, the thread is moved back to the top of the Forum. If an advertised item is still for sale after a while and getting buried by newer threads, the seller will sometimes "bump" the thread back up. Since there's nothing to add, the thread author will simply type "bump". Q: What if someone’s asking price is too high? A: Sellers are entitled to ask any price they want for their item. Please do not contact a seller regarding their prices unless you’re interested in purchasing the item. Also, do NOT question a seller's price in a For Sale thread. Making offers via PM or email is OK, but thread interference (debating price publicly) will not be tolerated. As an addendum to this rule, please remember : The seller is under no obligation to weigh an instrument for you. In fact, s/he is under no obligation to field any of your questions. S/he is under no obligation to cater to your wishes, and S/he is most definitely under no obligation to accept your offer, whatever it may be. It may be considered in her/his best interest to do so to conduct a successful transaction, but it is by no means required, and should not be expected. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should members disrupt sellers' threads by posting challenging, derrogatory posts, or in fact post anything that is not either directly related to purchasing the item advertised or at the very least specifically complimentary, to the seller or the item being sold. To do otherwise is to risk a trolling infraction. These threads are NOT discussion threads. Your opinion is irrelevant and unwelcome unless -specifically- asked for. There are -thousands- of items up for sale on the tb classifieds. If you don't like a particular seller, or a particular item, don't post about it, don't comment about it, don't pm the seller about it. Just move on to something else that more acutely strikes your fancy. Q: Does TalkBass provide any form of buyer/seller protection in the event of a problem? A: Transactions between TalkBass members are done at their own risk. TalkBass administrators and moderators do not guarantee that the transactions members choose to engage in are safe and that the descriptions provided by sellers are accurate. Members who choose to buy/sell gear through the TalkBass Classifieds understand that TalkBass, its administrators and moderators are not liable for any loss that may occur due to the use of the Classifieds Forum. But if loss does occur, make sure you leave the other user negative feedback, to help out the TB populus when dealing with this user in the future. xx
  14. Jokes on all of you. It's a little known fact that every funny picture on the internet comes directly from me. I actually post them all on a super-ultimate-hipster-nerd website way before those losers at 4chan get a look in. It was we who killed Steve Jobs for blurring the line between 'hipster phone' and 'most popular piece of shit on the fucking planet.' The cunt, what good are hipster ethics if just anyone can have them. We also wrote V and manufacture all the masks that those annonymous 4chan dicks keep buying from wal*mart and making us richer. Funny thing is, they buy the masks with their credit/bank cards so we have a record of almost all of them. xx
  15. Tank Girl is the man too. And yeah, I was gonna say Jnr models are the boy, but the sentence didn't have as nice a ring to it and I didn't expext anyone to get the reference. #egg #myface xx
  16. Are there more? PLEASE DEAR GOD LET THERE BE MOAR! xx
  17. Gibson Jnr models are the man. xx
  18. Isn't that the one with Britney Spears in it? xx
  19. Awh, we might have seen what happened when you got past the red bars xx
  20. I'm glad I sold my SG to someone who isn't you. xx
  21. It's not quite as retarded an idea as it sounds. You live on a fuckload of fruit and veg juice only for a few days with some wheatgrass and other disgusting hippy shit thrown in which apparantley stops your body from thinking it's "starving" and holding on to all the fat in there. After that, you slowly re-introduce healthy food and go back to a "normal" but healthy diet. The main reason for it is just to give the long-term healthy eating and exercise a kick start. Otherwise I'd cave and snack on bags of crisps and shit and tell myself that since I was at the gym in the morning that it's OK. Quick-fix diets never actually work, but it's a good way to re-align my views on eating. For example, today I 'cheated' and had a wee salad for lunch rather than just a juice. Which is a fuckload better than having a sandwich or whatever for lunch and if you decide to be a bit naughty you add a Mars bar to it. Or something. xx
  22. Weight loss. Living on raw fruit and veg juice for a week, because I'm obviously far too happy and need to take one of the best things about life away from myself. If I stopped wanking I'd kill myself and everyone around me before the end of the week. QFT. Fucking baffling mindset. Less than a week at work will earn the top earners my monthly salary but they refuse to take a few days off over the year because they claim they can't afford it?! I understand that the more you earn the more you become dependant on the income, but I'd sincerely hope that raking in something in the area of £8,000 a month before tax would never become what I needed to get by! xx
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