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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Pet Hate: Talk of delicious food when I'm fasting. I may have to boycott the forum for the next week. xx
  2. That's a lot of time for siestas! xx
  3. I just came on to post that I'd re-watched Annie Hall at the weekend. Fucking love it. xx
  4. Means to the End. Fucking love the vocals in it. xx
  5. Annual leave entitlement? Fuck right off with that, it's cunts like you who are crippling the economy. 365 day working year. 366 on leap years. xx
  6. As long as she's in the kitchen AMIRITE?! The answer is no. I am not rite. xx
  7. Well, her and the ones who are willing to suck a dick but not brush their teeth with a toothbrush with my pubes on it. Xx
  8. I'll put our stuff up when I get home tonight (provided the wife let's me use the computer.) xx
  9. I bet she's packing labia that hand like satchel handles, too. From a distance it'd look like the scene from Scary Movie with the gym teacher. xx
  10. Isn't everyone in Aberdeen from Poland now? xx
  11. Grader are still a band too. xx EDIT: Aren't they?
  12. Oh I know. As I understand it, feminism is about women having the choice to do whatever the fuck makes them happy and only a dick (if you'll pardon the use of the term) would be against that. However, there are a minority who fly the 'feminist' banner who are against women having the right to decide they want to be an adult actress/home-maker/whatever. IMHO they are every bit as bad as the stereotypical, knuckle-dragging cretin who insists his wife is his property and she should be seen and not heard. It's exactly the same with religious fundamentalism and extreme left or right wing politics. While the majority can be intelligent, level-headed people with well-thought-out ideals, there are always going to be a rag-tag gang of misguided lunatics who fuck it all up. xx
  13. Because militant feminists are fucking nuts*. Crossed wires. I can't remember what the connection is, but I do remember seeing a feminist group harassing (and possibly physically attacking, but I'm unsure) models because they were hurting the feminist cause. xx *Disclaimer - I absolutely agree that women should have equal rights to men and have nothing against feminism. I disagree with militant fuckwittery regardless of what cause it hides behind.
  14. Not quite "news", but more than ridiculous enough to compensate. xx
  15. I have no idea. I had assumed it was militant feminists, but it appears I'm mistaken. Apologies. xx
  16. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/katie-my-beautiful-friends xx
  17. Yeah I was reading this today. Absolutely baffling how someone can be so bewilderingly fuckwitted. Never know though, maybe one of those bra-burning lunatics will throw acid over her face like they did to that model a few years back. Fingers crossed. xx EDIT: That said, she's a bit of a hound anyway.
  18. I want involved. This thread reminds me of this idea. Could be a fun project. xx
  19. Could always just put the stuff up on mediafire or rapidshare with a password. If someone wants access, PM for the password..? Everyone who has odds and ends could send it to one user here who could maintain the rapidshare file/link/password..? xx
  20. I once took a shit on my kitchen floor and flatmates call me "unhygienic" the fucking prudes. They all shit then just rub bits of flimsy paper on their arses and call themselves clean. It's not like I shat on their plates or anything! Plus, this one time, I rubbed my balls over the face of a chick I lived with and she got all fucking pissed about it?! I was like WTF you had your bf's dick IN YOUR MOUTH the other night, how could my balls on your eyelids be gross?! DOUBLE STANDARDS. Surely to fucking god Jake is trolling now? xx
  21. I'm in the same boat as 'bags. Nothing to add but want a copy of everyfuckingthing. xx
  22. ...aaaaaaaaand sold. Close thread plz kthxbai. xx
  23. Anyone know if either Plan 9, Forbidden Planet or Asylum are open until 6 tonight? xx
  24. I don't know who any of these people you're talking about are. xx
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