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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. ...but what if I get caught turning the tape over..? xx
  2. Baws, the disc burning would've been nice. Although it'd be more-or-less counted as piracy I suppose. I have a secondary wee netbook so if the portable install idea doesn't work I'll just do it on that and bring her in. Currently rocking an old nokia that doesn't have a colour display, much less a notable OS on her. I'll eventually get a decent phone sorted out but was hoping for something in the interim, but at least being able to get stuff on the phone to play offline will be handy . Cheers! xx
  3. FAO Spotify Premium Users: I want to use spotify at work, but can't install it on my work laptop as the network here firewalls it. I could take the laptop home and install it, but then I imagine the network would still stop me from streaming anything anyway. So, I'm considering getting the premium version, installing it to an external hard drive and making a shit-tonne of music available offline from there, in the hopes that I could just plug'n'play with that hard drive and get access to the playlists et al that I'd downloaded. Would this work, or am I overlooking something important? Also, can I burn tracks that I've downlaoded from spotify to discs so I can listen to them in the car? The other idea was to get Spotify on my phone (when I get one of those new internetty phones that can do that kind of thing) but I'd have thought that streaming music to it would absolutely decimate my data allowance. Anyone have any idea how much data an hour (say) of constant spotify streaming uses up? xx
  4. Listener – Wooden Heart I have no idea how to describe this. Folk/Rock/Roots Poetry? xx EDIT: I don't care if that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, you owe it to yourself to listen to that video.
  5. Add me, too. Stroopy121. I'm up for some Halo3. Or Gears 3. INCLUDE ME IN ALL YOUR REINDEER GAMES! xx
  6. I say fuck quite a lot. xx
  7. You don't fucking scare I, Rathen. xx
  8. Can't get the staff these days. xx
  9. A bump to say I've got an application being processed to apply to start an official Dr Sketchy's up here*. For those of you who don't know anything about Dr Sketchy's, have a look at their FAQ. Anyone out there who would be keen to get involved? xx *Disclaimer: This doesn't mean that the application will be accepted, I'm still currently just a guy who wants to start one.
  10. Where the fuck is that picture from? xx
  11. Blackadder is the fucking shit! Anything with Stephen Fry and/or Hugh Laurie is awesome. John Cleese is one of the greatest comedy writers/actors of all time though. Caught him live performing his Alimony Tour last year and it's amazing how well he can read an audience and just knows what jokes will go down and what won't. xx
  12. Fawlty Towers is fucking epic. Fawlty Towers > Only Fools > US Office >> Having no access TV shows > The Office xx EDIT: Fixed for 'roid.
  13. I'm on the same page as Joe there, I think the US and UK versions share little similarity other than the setting and the title. I suppose it'd be more accurate to term them The Office and The US Office or something, but I refer you to my previous invitation to violence if you disapprove of how I conduct my rolling. xx
  14. Gervais' comedy work is balls, but he tweets poking fun and these ultra-fundamentalist fuckwits on twitter, and it's funny. The US Office is great. I think the UK one is shit. Wanna fight about it? I'll fucking fight you all! #internethardman xx
  15. I've never heard that about twitter, but while it's a stupid sentiment it is a good way for celebrities to gain fans among people who may not have liked them otherwise. Ricky Grevais, for example. I thought he was a ballsack and hated him in everything I had seen him in, but a few re-tweets appeared on my twitter of him being funny, I followed him and am now don't think he's a ballsack, I just thought the UK Office was shit. It's generally good for would-be comedians/comedy writers to drum up interest in their work. I think facebook is a more "powerful tool" (#dickjoke) though when it comes to promoting gigs and events on a smaller, more local scale. xx
  16. I get your point, and that's far easier to read. I like the idea of the #topics though. It makes the whole thing feel less.. cliquey? It's a more public forum than facebok is. If you tweet a stranger it's not as wierd as it would be to post something on their wall on fb. xx
  17. Re-tweets are the worst, to be fair. If @celebrity decides to re-tweet a birthday thing sent to them by @person, your feed will show this: @Celebrity says: RT @person "@Celebrity any chance of a retweet for my birthday thanks!" Most annoying, but infinitely preferable to seeing a slew of people liking those stupid joke pages with hilariously clever titles... xx
  18. It's not complicated. @PERSON here is usually where words go mini.link/something #topic #othertopic saying something related to #topic about @Person. #other topic @other @people @who @might @care Not that hard. xx EDIT: Pet Hate: The Like button. I use it far too much. I want my "like" privileges to be restricted like rep points were. I need boundaries!
  19. Wrong. You're all wrong. Pet Hate: People being wrong. xx
  20. Nah, yer ma' just got her period! xx
  21. Here's why I think twitter is awesome (better than / completely different to facebook) 140 character limit on posts means it keeps people succinct and stops pages and pages of bitching like in FB. The fact that 'following' is a one-way street means that if someone is dull, unfolllow them. Not like in FB where "unfriending" someone can be some huge social awkwardness that makes people like Lucky sad. It's easier to skim-read stuff on a twitter feed than it is on FB. No event invitations, birthday reminders, farmville requests.. etc. xx
  22. #annoysodajerk #stillfunny #probablynot xx
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