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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. 'fraid it's either cash or a bass trade to be considered! xx EDIT: PM me an offer for souls, though
  2. Well, if you can get into the computers boot settings by pressing F12 when it's starting up, then the problem is more than likely to be windows-based. If you get into those settings you can tell the laptop to boot an operating system from a pen drive and run it off that - you should then be able to access the files you want and make copies. xx
  3. Does it get as far thru the bootup as showing "press F12 for setup"? xx
  4. I assume you've tried admin and Password1 etc...? When is it asking for the password? xx
  5. I can't pretend I'm not horrendously jealous of that! Just got myself sorted out with a wee 8x10' shed for using as a workshop, means I can start modding and building some gear in the near future, but I'd've loved to have the space for something like that! xx
  6. Bumpity-boo. How about £600? xx
  7. What's the outside dimensions of her? If it's not un-gentlemanly to ask xx
  8. Rhyming slang generally is for cunts. "Yeah, 'e's up the apples and pears on the dog and bone..." Fuck you. xx
  9. You could also call them Cunts on your bits of pink paper. Maybe issue a cheeky Chokeslam to repeat offenders.. xx
  10. Nope. Why would you spend twice as much money on the same size/quality of house or flat in Aberdeen rather than live somewhere that's half the price? xx EDIT: As I said I think Aberdeen is lovely but I don't understand why more people don't say "£200k for a one-bedroom flat? Poke that up your japseye."
  11. I refer to that accent as Generican. Because I'm fucking hilariously witty and clever. xx
  12. Back on topic: The Doric Debate: I don't mind having an accent, I speak with a fairly heavy accent but I've learned to curb it considerably due to working with a lot of people who either aren't familiar with broad doric or don't speak English as a first language. It's important to be able to thin down an accent as broad as mine when the occasion calls for it, IMHO. 'n folk fa type wae an accent are fuckin' arseholes. specially if thi d it athoot ony grammar or onyhin. i ken fully grown adults wae kids fa type like iss. wat a fukin effort it must b! XX
  13. So the hating on JB has kept snowballing during my week off then? I had thought it'd've boiled over/fizzled out and everyone would be outraged about something else by now. The JB/EC comparison is valid but unfair, EC can post shite and troll now and again, but it's infrequent and the ratio of posts like the one above to "good" posts is pretty low. I'm going on record though as saying I'm on JB's side in all of this. While he has posted some shite, his posts pale in comparison to the number of posts complaining about him... xx
  14. I genuinely don't understand why anyone stays in Aberdeen who isn't directly involved in Oil work.. I'm a Shire-dweller now but I have nothing against the city. It's pretty enough (when the weather isn't baws) and if you look hard enough there's plenty going on, but fuck me is it expensive! House prices here are comfortably twice what they'd be elsewhere in Scotland. If I wasn't tied here by work I'd fuck off further inland or down south in search of cheaper pastures. That having been said, the financial side of things here cast aside, people who romantacise the idea of living in Glasgow or Edinburgh over Aberdeen get on my fucking balls something chronic. A city is a city is a city. If you can't find what you're after here, I'd wager you're unlikely to find it in any city. xx
  15. Is it worth reading this thread to catch up on the discussion? Judging by the percentage of JB content I'd assume not..? xx
  16. Lolz I sincerely hope that's true. xx
  17. Insomniac > Warning > Dookie > Nimrod > Smoothed Out Slappy Hours > Kerplunk > Uninterrupted complete and utter silence > American Idiot >>> Being kicked in the head > 21CB. xx
  18. I see what you're saying but I suppose we're using different definitions of the term "genius". I disagree because while they changed relative to themselves, they didn't do anything innovative other than change their own direction. Moving the goalposts isn't the same as redefining yourself. By my definition the goalposts are in place for EVERYONE, not just your own band. It's fair to say that compared to Nimrod, AI was genius, but I disagree with using the general "it's a genius" record without the qualifier "comparatively" in there. I suppose so many adjectives which are inherantly objective can be subjectively viewed. Describing "Basket Case" as a fast song is fine if you compare it to When I Come Around or Longview, but compare it to Somewhere Back in Time (or any power metal or similar) and it's slow as a motherfucker. xx
  19. A "genius" record is one that moves the goal posts in some significant way. A band doing one thing, then changing their minds and doing something else is not genius. A band inventing something completely new and different in a way that is innovative and different is genius. Green Day going from 3-chord pop-punk to deciding "I want to do exactly what Alice Cooper has been doing for years now" is a radical change in direction and to some listeners it was a welcome one but that's all it was. It was a record with a different sound to their old stuff. xx
  20. Of course it is, because words mean things. If I described myself as a genius for working out that Earth's gravity is applying a force on all objects within it's atmosphere, I'd be wrong too. xx
  21. Yeah - Green Day (et al) seem to have a lot less to say politically since Bush vanished. xx
  22. 21st Century was shit for all the same reasons American Idiot is shit. Soda hit the nail on the head when he described it as a shitty version of The Decline. Generally speaking I get bored if a song lasts more than 3 minutes unless it's something fairly interesting but all 20something minutes of the Decline are just pure genius. Saying Green Day are the only act who could've written AI or 21CB is garbage, NOFX did it (much better) years previously - and while the quality of the records may be a matter of personal opinion, you can't argue that NOFX did it years prior to them. "Genius" is a hugely inappropriate description of the record, no matter how much you like it. xx
  23. Alt+f4 closes your current window. xx
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