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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. How much would you want for the full Marshall stack? Any change of a try-out? And would you be open to a trade offer...? (SG in my sig..) xx EDIT: Just saw a few pages back you'd be after somewhere around £600. Would a straight swap be tempting at all...?
  2. Yeah those things are absolutely stunning! Only trick Gibson missed with them (IMHO) is not giving them a badass shiny silver inlay pattern of some sort. xx
  3. This is the funniest thing I've heard in a long, long time. http://soundcloud.com/vaughan-1-1/this-is-what-crazy-looks-like xx
  4. Didn't you hear about the rape/murders around pubs in BoD? xx
  5. I pick Bone. I always have a bone to pick. xx
  6. You them more? xx
  7. Alas I have tried, firewall here won't allow flash. The cunts. xx
  8. Simple question, simple answer. In that case I shall endeavour to listen to them when I get home. xx
  9. I LIKE TITS AND BEER! On a more serious note - are the tracks on a soundcloud account? Work laptop doesn't have flash player so I can't listen to them without downloading them, and you're nae getting my fuckin' money that easy, miin! xx
  10. What does troll'd mean? xx
  11. It means being sarcastic. xx
  12. ...wait.... What? You can't playfully chastise someone for saying cuntybaws because that's more offensive than saying cuntybaws is...? xx
  13. She sounds even better than she looks, too xx
  14. Yeah but nobody notices guitar tone in songs. xx
  15. I hate myself for how much I love that gif. xx
  16. Room 3 or the studio. Best bass amps. xx
  17. This is going to eBay soon guys, make me an offer as I'd much rather sell locally! xx
  18. Q) – Given the option, would you rather pay more to use state of the art equipment, or less to use more basic equipment? a) - Depends on the purpose of the recording, but generally I'd pay more for better gear. If it's a quick and dirty demo I'd go cheap or just home-record. Q)- Would you be interested in some sort of membership/loyalty scheme that gave you discount on practice rooms? a)- yes Q)- How far would you be willing to travel to get to good recording studio? d) - for a good studio at a good price I'd travel as far as Edinburgh/Glasgow if there was some kind of residential deal/accomodation available there, so anything up to around 100miles Q)- How much would you be willing to pay to use our recording studio for an hour, day and week? It depends on the quality of the gear and the experience of the Engineer working there. Assuming it's all good: Hour)- £20-30 8 hour Day)- £100 5 day Week)- £350-400 Q)- What other local recording studio have you used? Exile Studios Aberdeen College Unity Recording Studio The Foyer Q)- Did you find there was anything those recording studio lacked, or needed improvement on? A) Exile - returning mixed/mastered tracks promptly. The Foyer - It was a while ago but it was great for a cheap and cheerful demo. Q)- How often do you use recording studios? Or how often would you use recording studios if one was locally available? b)Once every six months Q) – How often do you use band practise rooms? Or how often would you use band practice rooms if they were locally available? b) Once a week Thank you for your time and Input
  19. Try to get the stratosonic sold and use the cash to buy my SG There's a bass I have my eye on so it's cash only I'm afraid! xx
  20. Rub some nickel on your shin, or somewhere you've had no reaction/symptomns and see if anything appears. I should be a doctor. xx
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