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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I'm pretty sure I've heard of chrome-coated strings. Might just be for bass, might be me talking out my ass and they might be a bit more expensive. Google. xx
  2. That's the worst analogy I've ever seen. xx EDIT: Also - if you blow the diode then NO Voltage will flow at all, it'll be an open circuit. Sometimes a high current can pass the "wrong" way, but not high Voltage.
  3. It's not. It's balls. Fat, sweaty, transexual balls made from re-formed vagina parts. xx
  4. Just because it's complicated doesn't make it good. It id extremely well to stick to it's own internal logic so well, but it took itself far too seriously. It would have been a really good film if it appeared that even a single person involved in the film was having fun making it. xx
  5. And Inception. That was fucking baws. xx
  6. If it's the Mrs' cat, I'd advise against it. Ne'er a woman alive would choose a man over a kitty. Especially not you. xx
  7. As long as that includes Shutter Island, I'm happy with that too! xx
  8. I always thought that was something to do with having sore eyes? Live and learn! xx
  9. I have a 2nd option. MAN THE FUCK UP. xx
  10. Not at all. I'm saying you don't like Shakespeare, that's fine. I'm also saying that Romeo and Juliet may make kids who haven't read any Shakespeare want to go read some. And I'm saying that's a good thing. xx
  11. The kind that read Shakespeare and listened to Handel. xx
  12. [5yearsold] Wanker's cramp. [/5yearsold] xx
  13. Me neither. I'm not a massive fan of Handel's at all. Just like Joe and Jake aren't Shakespeare fans. Nothing wrong with that. I just think more people listening to/reading the likes of classical music/listerature and forming educated opinions on it is a good thing. As it is, too many people claim they don't like classic literature or classical music despite never having properly experienced it, that's the only point I'm trying to make. I thought I hated hip-hop until I heard Scroobius Pip, that opened a few doors and I'm still exploring more and more hip-hop finding a lot of stuff I like among the (IMHO) shit. xx
  14. You can't right-click on wrods you speak wrong? Wot a n00b. xx
  15. Fuck you. *ashamed* And it's a piece by Handel. Yes, it's moar of a choon because Poker Face is baws. xx
  16. If you force a book into a kid's hands, if they're anything like me they'll look at the words but not give much of a fuck what they're saying. If you can coax a kid to pick a book up by himself, it's a whole different ball game. I like to think of myself as having a fairly steadfast grasp of the English language and reading books that I didn't understand in the least, but that I wanted to and slogged through googling every second sentance, is responsible for that. Relying on spell-check is also slowly chipping away at it, but that's another story. xx
  17. ...then say you watched the film and enjoyed it, having never read any Shakespeare, wouldn't that make you want to pick up the book and try to read it? Hopefully understand the story a little better? Maybe improve your grasp on the English language? I'll never see a scenario where education people is a bad thing, particularly if it's luring the ingorant towards art. Even if it's art that you don't think is very engrossing. If I could make every Lady Gaga fan listen to The Harmonious Blacksmith, I'd feel like I had done the artistic integrity of the world a great service. My own opinion on that piece would be completely irrelevant. xx
  18. The guy who owns the entiry of enter Shikari's output disapproves? Must be shit then . Seriously though - love him or hate him Shakespeare produced some of literature's "greatest" work. Even if you don't personally find it that enjoyable a read, surely the thought of a generation of bastard kids, who would otherwise have no idea where the line "what light from yonder window breaks...?" meant or where it came from, might be given an inclination to pick up a book and read it is a good thing? xx
  19. Kids in "not liking secondary school English" shocker. xx
  20. It jarred with me, too. But I liked that. If they had modernised the language it would have just been another shit adaptation. The execution was sloppy in places but I think that at least making an attempt to make Shakespeare more accessible/appealing to a younger/stupider audience (rather than just churning out another guns-and-explosions "re-imagining" of a classic) is a push in the right direction. xx
  21. Yeah that guy was (by all accounts) a good front of house worker who knew his shit but was awful at the management side of things. Google for the number and give the place a call, ask for Jacqueline. Explain what happened and ask if there's any chance of a trial shift or something. Odds are she'll ask for a CV. There's an ad on gumtree but IDK where. xx
  22. She's managing the place now. Were you applying? When? She's been interviewing folk for a job there - what an array of fuckwits she's had to endure! xx
  23. Well, my wife works in the Arches coffee shop, a customer was in bleating about how she's a barista at starbucks and proceeded to talk my wife through how to make her coffee - naturaly the wife was less than pleased but had to just smile through it- but this lass insisted she scald the milk for this reason. Could well be total bollocks, but I like to spread my ignorance as widely as possible. xx
  24. That's breakfast sorted for a while then! xx
  25. Wait - I thought you could hide it? I'm sure my wife did that... If not, change it to the wrong date and point out to all the people who posted that day that they are baws. xx
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