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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Try taking the hood off the tray. Or at least taking the door off the hood. Put a little step infront of it, too. Does she still piss in it? Or has she started pissing in sinks/shower etc? xx
  2. Have you changed litter types? My cat is genuinely fussier over what he'll shit in that he is about what he'll eat! xx
  3. How the fuck is that dick piercing supposed to work...? xx
  4. Is post-awesome a new genre I've never heard of? xx
  5. I once hung my arse over the bullers of buchan and took a shit over the edge. There was a standing competition between a friend and I known as "Shite from a height." I won. xx
  6. Must've got in at the top and shimmied down, then tried to get out the bottom. Pretty impressive tbh. xx
  7. See, I don't see any pseudo-intellectualism in Chuck's books... Generally speaking I can't be fucked with pish being dressed up and sold off as being more than it is but I don't think Palahnuik's work is guilty of that. xx
  8. Pet Hate: "I don't like Chuck Palahnuik because his books aren't intellectual enough for me." So fucking what if it's the literary equivalent of a B-Movie, does that mean it can't be enjoyable? xx
  9. I did not. I assume it's baws? xx
  10. He has a fucking arsehole of a last name, I make no apologies. I love his books, I've never read anything else so grotesque that I wanted to stop reading it, but at the same time so fucking funny that I couldn't put it down. xx
  11. Chuck Phalanuik is fucking awesome. I was 100& with you on that rant until I read that, now I think you're a cunt. I bet you drive a fucking audi. xx
  12. I want to be your friend. You sound my my kinda guy. xx
  13. Who's Alent? And why does "Kurt Cobain" feel the need to point out that he's not in the van? xx
  14. Cheers. How did the headless T-Bird turn out btw? I can't get back on BassChat at work now xx
  15. Does she have the mountings on the bottom to mount casters onto her? And can I buy the Grabber, too....? xx
  16. Pet Hate: Audi Drivers. xx
  17. Pet Hate: Middle-Class Pet Hates. xx
  18. What type/size/colour of bra do you think was the offender? I'm an enthusiast too. xx
  19. Nah, I'm safe, I usually go projectile. Just keep your mouth closed... xx
  20. Well, Jake and I are the same person. One of us is always sarcastic and one of us always honest and truthful. On topic, I hate that ridde. If it's true then whoever told you it must be the one who always tells the truth. xx
  21. Maybe so, but my boyfriend doesn't fuck my brand new alloys. xx EDIT: INB4 he fucks my ass/face instead.
  22. Cars are gay. Except the Pixar films. They are ace. xx
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