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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Women drivers. AMIRITE? xx
  2. I've heard myths and legends of the Stanley chaps owning/renting a place down the harbour for coke/hookers/rehearsal and Steve Milne mentioned something about splitting use of one a while back. Heller State used our drummers attic. I lived in there for a while. PUNX. xx
  3. If I ever meet Ca_Gere and he's not a black guy with a silly hat I'll be pretty disheartened. xx EDIT: And if Alkaline isn't Harrison Ford then I'll vomit. EDIT EDIT: Ginger Gurner. Band name?
  4. I fucking knew that was him!! Yes, that one! xx
  5. I heard Gok Wan use it at least twice when the wife was watching one of those "gay teenager" type things, and I've heard it elsewhere but I can't place it. xx
  6. Serious confession: My avatar still makes me laugh every time I look at it! xx
  7. Pet Hate: The phrase "Openly Camp." Not gonna step on George Carlin's toes and try to rip off any of his jokes - see video - but I fucking hate the phrase openly camp. If you're camp, you're camp. You can't be a straight guy who's camp but in the fucking closet about it. The phrase openly gay annoys me but I understand it's necessity. Being gay and not being in the closet, openly gay. That's fine. The phrase openly camp is just some kind of dickhead way to use a dickhead term like "metrosexual". Fuck all that shit. You can fuck guys/girls/both/neither/other and there is ZERO need for any other "lifestyle" name other than one which depicts your sexuality. The only reason that the word homosexual (or the countless variants thereof) is really needed is to make dating easier. Straight man seeks straight woman, Gay man seeks same. Metrosexual man seeks openly camp, bi-curious drinking buddy for confusing games of spin the bottle? Fuck you. xx
  8. Not sure if I reviewed Bananas when I watched it a few days ago. Woody Allen's (IMHO) best movie. No, infact, the best one that he acts in. A lot of his new stuff is fantastic where he just directs and makes the films more 3-dimensional rather than being an elaborate stand-up show. I fucking love this film, but the wife coudn't stand it, which I get. It's not for everyone but if you want to get in to Woody Allen's older work it's a great starting point. 9/10 xx
  9. Aaron Carter sounds WELL different nowaways. xx
  10. Confession: JakeBassist is my alt account. I am JakeBassist. xx
  11. Yeah, weddings and functions are the way to go, but even then making a living would be a lot of work. An average function band can get £250-300 for a friday or saturday in a bar and in today's climate few if any bars take on bands mid-week. At 5 members, that a max of £120 per weekend. Wedding bands I've seen charge anything from £500-£3,000 but you've gotta be GOOD, be willing/able to learn a couple's song requests at little notice and all that jazz. Just write a song and sell it to Simon Cowell or something? xx
  12. You're all such n00bs. The cops would notice that kind of behavious and be straight to the door of Johnny Foreigner from Scotland. What you need, Lucky, is to blend in and do what the locals would do in your situation. A car bomb. xx
  13. Nah, you're the only local boy to reach such high regard! xx
  14. Didn't mean to come across like I was implying you're copying AID or anything, just that this is less my cup of tea for the same reasons I dislike the latter-day AID stuff. xx
  15. Stroopy121

    Your current read?

    Yeah it was recommended to me by as friend who's judgement I generally trust. Will sit down tonight and try to hammer through for an hour or two and see if I take to it, otherwise I'll shelf it in favour of something new. Also, new christopher Brookmyre book on it's way soon! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee................. xx
  16. take the schematics and buy parts from RS. Making a PCB is easy enough, I might start a sexy little sideline in making and selling some to site members here, actually! xx
  17. If an old dude starts wanking on a chick, it's gonna be pretty traumatic. If that happened in a dark alley it'd be sexual assault bordering on being classed as attempted rape. Some women I know can laugh that kind of thing off, but most would be REALLY freaked out by it. Bare in mind that he's a total stranger to her. If I was at a party with a bunch of friends and started to rub one out on the living room table, the offended people would leave the room and the ones who thought it was just another "funny party story" would wait for me to come and cheer, hoping to miss the money shot. But this isn't the same. I dunno if he was spanking one or scratching a ball, but if she thought he was sitting rubbing against her having a wank, she'd have every right to be pretty fucking freaked out by it. xx
  18. I thought Percy was coke? xx
  19. If it was spelled with a U, rather than an A, I'd give it two Zs. Ie Buzzinga or Bazinga. Not some stupid fucking hybrid. I feel your pain, brother. xx
  20. Look up Lemon Party dot org. NSFW. So NSFW I'm not even gonna type it on here as a URL. But it's pretty traumatising. xx
  21. I didn't even need to look at the URL to know that'd be he Daily Mail! xx
  22. Stroopy121

    Your current read?

    Not long off a Chuck Phalanuik kick. Read Rant (AMAZING, 10/10), Haunted (10/10) and Fight Club (8/10). Trying to read We Need to Talk About Kevin before I see the film but really struggling to get into it! xx
  23. I think this year's Fudge Awards should have a "Best Troll" category. xx
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