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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Post of the Year right there. xx
  2. The new site layout has a Wall feature, you could spam abuse at him there a la facebook. For the most part, I don't mind Jake's contributions. Derailing the Pet Hates or Ace-ic thread doesn't matter a fuck IMHO and that Punk Debate thread he started has been good, along with his contributions in the dubstep thread. xx
  3. Isn't this the perfect thread to be full of Jake-Bashing though...? xx
  4. Win Win A lawyer takes on the responsibility of legal guardian for one of his very wealthy clients who is in early-stage dementia. Slow-paced in sections but overall an excellent watch. 8/10 xx
  5. Got any pics of that baby? I've got a '61 reissue SG I'm toying with unloading and may be open to a trade...? xx
  6. You drive a hard bargain, sir. That sounds good to me, but I'm afraid there's a slight cash flow situation in my household due to coming home to a £500 council tax bill. Cunts. I'll evaluate the finances and get back to you before the end of the eBay auction! xx
  7. I saw Iggy a year or three ago at Leeds festival. The man is about a thousand years old and he could run fucking rings round me, impressive stuff. I don't care if he looks like Kate Moss' corpse and flogs car insurance now, LONG LIVE IGGY! xx
  8. Chuck does an amazing version of Wreck of the Old '97 on "All Aboard: A Tribute to Johnny Cash". Ace record actually, The Flatliners version of Cry Cry Cry is superb. xx
  9. I bought a "spares or repairs" job off ebay. £20 for a vaguely Ibanez BTB-shaped body, sanded down the horrible red finish and gonna respray it a lovely, garish neon orange or something. I have a few ideas in mind for projects, I just looked on forums and ebay for cheap bits and now have enough for a build. xx
  10. I've been getting some gear together to build a jazz bass, I have a tonne of electronics kit lying about too frmo various hobbies and projects, think I might put together a pre-amp for my bass, maybe try to make a USB interface or something, too. I fucking love this kind of thing! Should hopefully have a shed and a useable room in my house for this by the end of the month! xx
  11. £26.01? I'll stretch to £30? xx
  12. Fash. H.B. Fash. Fashin'. xx
  13. Holy fuck, I heard Soda's heart breaking from here! xx
  14. An idea of what you're looking for for her? xx
  15. ...and to book the gigs. And fuck the groupies. xx
  16. Couldn't agree more, but there's a middle ground. A bass fill or a non-root-note-based bass riff can make a shit song sound great, or vice versa. xx
  17. If that's a joke, then fuck you you're not funny. If that's serious, then fuck you. xx
  18. They are just lacking in a little bit of BOOM. To my ears they sound a little too... crisp? I dunno what the word I'm looking for is, but I think drums should sound like if each beat was a word, it would be a swear word. Uhn, Tss, Uhn Uhn, Tss should sound like FUCK, CUNT, FUCK FUCK CUNT. xx
  19. Viking has one or two good tracks. Marie Marie and Little Rude girl are ace, but they are the ones where you can hear Tim's influence least. The rest are pretty gay. xx
  20. Karl is the fucking boy! Rancid are ace when Lars is fronting. Tim pisses me off, but in an endearing way. Like a puppy that shits on nice things. You want to kick it down a well, but you'd be upset if it died. Lars and the Bastards are fucking quality too. Just noticed I can listed to Bandcamp at work - fucking love that demo! xx
  21. I know, but the re-recorded version sounds MUCH poppier than the original did. xx
  22. Rancid. NOFX. The Descendants. xx
  23. I'm happy to have a jam sometime - I bass but I can also guitar if need be. We can get Woods on drums, and I have a cracking idea for a name and a few songs Woods and I already know.. xx
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