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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. You are the worst kind of people. xx
  2. Join Remembering Needleman! xx
  3. It sounds to me like you're going the same way as Autumn in Disguise. Cleaning it all up and taking it all in a more pop-oriented direction. Nothing necessarily wrong with that but it's not my cup of tea. xx
  4. Details on the Spector? xx
  5. http://aberdeen-music.com/threads/the-scottish-guy.48440/ Fun thread. xx
  6. I haven't been aware of any 'extremist' activities up here, only the whole "independence FTW FUCK UK I'm SCOTTISH NAE ENGLISH MINNNNnnnnnnnnn" shite. The Jerb Turking argument pisses me off most of all because the same ignorant fuckwits who complain about it are also complaining about immigrants coming to this country and not working! I suppose if you're gonna have an imaginary grievance, having two that are mutually exclusive isn't that much more of a stretch. xx
  7. Fri - Quiet night with the Mrs. Sat - At the AECC watching McAllister get his hoop pounded in. Sun - Edinburger watching Scotland get their shit pushed in by the French. Good game but it was fucking devestating to have a 10-0 lead and lose it! xx
  8. And because they TURK DER JURRBS! xx
  9. I didn't know this was on, but I'd have watched it and pitied fuckwits who would be bought over by this shite. MUSLIMS ARE JUST CHRISTIANS WITH FUCKING SUN-TANS. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHERE THEY ARE BORN, THEY ARE NO MORE OR LESS LIKELY TO COMMIT A TERRORIST ACT THAN A PROTESTANT IN NORTHERN IRELAND. Saying you think being LGBT, or Muslim, or Hindu or a Scientologist is wrong is your belief. When you start to try to take away freedoms and quality of life from those groups - freedoms which you would afford them if they were on the same side of the fence as you are - then you're a fuckwitted, bigoted sack of shit who deserves to have his fucking teeth kicked down his neck. Believe whatever the fuck makes you happy, just don't try to take away from others what makes them happy. And RE the usual, inevitable immigration argument - anyone should have the right to live wherever they fucking want, provided they contribute to the society they live in - and I believe that should apply to you whether you're born in a country or not. I don't know how I'd implement or enforce this, I'm not a politician. All I know is that, IMHO, nationalism \< fuckwittery. xx
  10. I wonder if you'll get a voucher for discounted CountryLife butter when you but it? For fuck sake, I'm pretty sure those cunts have had more "releases" of Bollocks than they had singles! xx EDIT: It's a tie. An 11 and 12 track version of the record, a 30th anniversary and now a 35th. Fucking cunts. Funny thing is, The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle is an infinitely better record than Bollocks. Gotta wonder though, is it moar PUNXX of them to say FUCK YOU ALL, WE'LL RELEASE THIS FUCKING RECORD AS MANY TIMES AS WE WANT?!! SO WUT IF AH SELL BUTTAH NOW? WOOOOTCHA GONNA DOO ABOUT IT?!? xx
  11. Get her speyed. Cat periods are even grosser than people periods. xx EDIT - that's an unfair comparison, really. People periods are delicious.
  12. Typaically ridiculous, nothing less than I'd expect from Ascension! Really like the tune, the video is hilarious, particularly the moody strutting into the warehouse at the start - but I think the same about just about any music video that isn't a bit of a pisstake. Shot really well, only real critisism is that the sections with the camera looking down the neck could have been timed better so that you could see more going on during them, as it is a lot of the fretwork feels like it's just out of shot. Looking forward to giving the record a spin though, you planning to do a couple more videos for singles from it? xx
  13. Didn't get a chance to listen to the whole track but what I heard was pretty enjoyable. I agree with Lucky though - I read "local rapper" and expected a troll-fest. Good work! xx
  14. I'm obsessed with this song currently, got any samples that are along these lines..? xx
  15. So there's now a position for a first guitarist, too! Craig is leaving us after Friday's gig, so come down to the Moorings on Friday if you wanna see what we're all about, or check out my signature, or send a PM, or all of the above. Looking for someone with a decent set of pipes for backing vocals and if you write any lyrics then you're encouraged to sing them, but if you don't want to take any lead vocals that's fine too. Basically, I like to do lead vocals on the songs I write the lyrics for, anything else is all open to play around with. Genre-wise, as mentioned before there's some hardcore in there (but there hasn't been much until now due to it not being Craig's cup of tea, but he's leaving now so fuck him ), I'd like to pull some ska tunes out of the bag, a touch of horror-punk, some d-beat/thrashy stuff, just about anything, really! If any or all of these things sound agreeable, give me a shout! xx
  16. See my sig, and be at the Moorings on Friday. The support band are epic . xx
  17. Dub - head along to the Moorings gig on Friday and we can have a chinwag about it then? xx
  18. ...if the political climate is becoming the same as it was, why would you think the music is different now? Listen to any of NOFX's later records, Rise Against, Anti-Flag, all have huge amounts of political involvement musically and socially. Every bit as much as The Clash ever did. xx PS I'm going on record and saying the clash are one of the greatest bands in history, I adore them and am NOT slighting them at all - I use them as an example of the epitome of everything that was GOOD about the UK77 punk scene.
  19. I absolutely get what Soda is saying. Punk has been described in a million ways but the "fuck the man, DIY!" ethic is the only common denominator and the US bands pioneered that. The Clash and the Sex Pistols influenced the sound and attitude of punk music but the US contributed more in terms of ethic which IMHO is what makes punk so fundamentally different from any other musical style. xx
  20. Toying with the idea of expanding current 3-piece lineup to a 4 to allow for more solos and some more complex melodies to be thrown around. Check my sig for some demos/examples of the music we play, but there are a couple of more hardcore influenced tunes as well as some country/blues influence creeping in here and there so it's all pretty flexible regarding musical genres and interests. Backing vocals are a must, but you can gauge by my shitty vocals that standards don't need to be really, high. Just some woahs and the like. Get in touch if you fancy a jam.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl95XtHxzZo xx
  22. Genuine belly-laugh at Soda's comment there. Excellent work. xx
  23. There's a comic I saw a while back, might have been Mitch Clem, about punk evolving over the decades. The "old skool" always tearing strips off whatever breed of punk was considered to be more mainstream at the time, or something. xx
  24. The Clash are an interesting example - their first records were "punk" in that they fit the UK77 mould, but London Calling era they became hugely influenced by 80's pop and it shows. The Clash IMHO were either a punk influenced pop band in their later career, or a pop influenced punk band. The label doesn't matter though, they are one of the best bands ever. Punk or otherwise. xx
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