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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Nah nobody said it here but it's a rule that punk breeds snobbery. I remember an old band I was in where the singer was ADAMANT that the only way to be "punk" was to never, ever use the term punk. If you tried to be punk, you were a poser. I pointed out that by his logic, the only people who aren't punks are people who listen to and make punk music. He said they're all sellouts. He's a crack addict now. I fucking hope he dies. xx
  2. Shouldn't there just be one "Funny stories about meeting site members" thread, or similar? xx
  3. Did Insomniac sell well? It's their best record by a huge way IMHO but I always thought it was completely overlooked by the masses? xx
  4. Oh, and Dude Ranch will always be among my favourite records, and Alkaline Trio haven't written a single song I don't think is fucking incredible. Judge away, I'm not ashamed.
  5. I think Warning-era Greenday are hugely under-rated (if you ignore the title track, fucking dull as fuck song). That record has some of their best work. Castaway, Deadbeat Holiday,Blood, Sex and Booze and Church on Sunday are all fucking epic.
  6. Fixed, cheers. Aiden are a fucking ace band live, but I was never a huge fan of theirs on record. I'll have a listen again though.
  7. Horror Punk. I was gonna start a new thread but figure this one may suffice. Who else listens to it, and who the fuck else plays it?! Obviously The Misfits are a staple, Zombina, Early AFI.... beyond that I start to struggle! Hit a brother up with some recommendations?
  8. Everyone knows that pop-punk is the best punk. I voted for Avril Lavigne. xx
  9. But if I post in the stalk thread before he clocks me, it counts. SO FUCK YOU, WOODS! xx
  10. I already know who you are. Prime stalkertunity here! xx
  11. What? No I have no idea why someone would mail me a box of drugs/a baggie of anthrax/a parcel bomb. Of course it's not mine! xx
  12. I'm gonna fall off the wagon so fucking hard at the Moorings gig. xx
  13. That Kriek stuff that was mentioned is the fucking sex. Delerium Trements is gorgeous - discovered it in Belgium when it kicked the fucking shit out of me at something like ~9% a pint, me thinking it was the usual ~4%. They sell it in the Moorings, too. Amazing shit. Innis and Gunn Blonde is a tipple of choice, too. Well, it was before I got on the wagon. I fucking hate the wagon. It's full of dickheads like JakeBassist. xx
  14. My guess is you have over a certain number of "points", basically high rep levels, you silver starred foxes you. xx
  15. He showed me pictures of Teabags' cock. xx
  16. Let's be friends. I fucking love Burt Reynolds. xx
  17. Dalwhinnie 15. Or the 21 if it's going. 12 is perfectly fine, but not as good. Knockando is lovely too. Aspall Cider is the fucking tits. Brewdog is gash. Guinness is lovely, too. Sweetheart stout is too sickly for me. xx
  18. 'Fraid he just has to grow out of it. Usual practice is when he does that, scoot him with a water pistol or something, but I found it just made my cat more aggressive... xx
  19. Yeah, de-clawing is akin to cutting off it's fingers. Although probably not as painful, itis about as debilitating for the cat. Don't do it. And no, my cat is hard as fuck. We should send him round to knock the fuck out of your Mrs' friend's scumbag boyfriend. xx xx
  20. Mine eats anything. Curry, pizza, meat and he fucking loves cheese and ice cream. He drinks Irn Bru, too.
  21. The show of solidarity was appreciated! I figured I could argue till I'm blue in the face, but the fact that they ranted so hard about me shows I pissed them off more than any coherant, logical, well-reasoned argument about why they are all fucking date-rapists in denile. xx
  22. Equal parts romantic/touching and completely ridiculous. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/18/man-marries-dead-girlfriend-thailand_n_1211497.html xx
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