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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Fucking brilliant contribution from Ca Gere there. Excellent work. xx
  2. I liked my interpretations better. What a cunt. xx
  3. Employ I'm Shoplifting Like a GO Le gente esta muy laoa....wtf! Titanium That's what I read...? xx
  4. That'd be slightly more difficult, but still do-able with some organisation. Cheers! xx
  5. Is this just Mon-Fri or do you work weekends? xx
  6. Quite. Why would you not check the spelling first?! To make them stronger! xx
  7. This is tomorrow =]. You all should come. It'll be most good. If you can't be arsed dressing up, it's not mandatory, just encouraged! xx
  8. Jake - be a lamb and post that link to my facebook page - I can't view it at work and always forget to look when I'm at home! I feel so bad for whoever has the one Teabags posted. Not only do they have a shit tattoo, but their Da died when he was only 1! xx
  9. Cheers! I shall do that - hopefully tonight if I get a chance! xx
  10. I thought Dweller were up for Best Metal, too? xx
  11. Fox, are you building one or just buying one? The boss ones have a built-in PSU/adaptor so you just need a mains connection. Alternatively you can just make/buy a box and use something like THIS. xx
  12. Nuffield charge over £50 for gum membership. Pure are, what, £20? That's a fucking cracking deal! xx
  13. I wonder if the Guardian will print an article headlined "Local music more popular than PORN" now? xx
  14. I think it's an amalgamation of "ace" and "sick" so it'd be A-sick. Like a vomity A-Team. xx
  15. Grammys is my only guess. I have no idea WTF Bonny Bear is in reference to though...? xx
  16. Man in underwear crawls over frozen river to rescue dog Stop being a 'prat', pals told Corden xx
  17. The King's Peach Not a fucking peach in sight. Some shit about stuttering. Cracking performance from Colin Firth. Given my general disdain for the monarchy, he did an unbeliebvable job making me give a shit about his character. At times you genuinely find yourself trying to finish his sentences. Superbly played, great supporting cast and despite (IMHO) the dull storyline - Duke of York can't speak publicly, so he gets elocution lessons and gets a bit better by the time he becomes King - it's a really enjoyable watch. 9/10 xx
  18. I wanna know what Marvel DC comics is! xx
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