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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Got a new demo or two up on the page, as well as my Kilau Xmas Compilation track for anyone who wasn't able/willing to get a copy. xx
  2. Fantastic, now I know. Cheers! I still think the KoRn record is decent though. xx
  3. I shall have a binge on this thread and the d'n'b one and start to form a more calculated opinion, but as it is I couldn't tell you the difference between, say, Garage, House and any other electronic genre, so I suppose the dumbed down version of dub' is probably the closest to a meaningful one for me... xx
  4. I get where you're coming from... But everyone I ask "what actually IS dubstep anyway..?" they usually answer along the lines of "it's basically d'n'b with those WUB WUB WUB noises in there too" and if that's the case then some of KoRn's material does sound like a kind-of predecessor to dubstep? Doesn't it? It's a genre I'm fairly interested in but only just making any effort to explore, so me being completely full-of-shit/misinformed isn't unlikely. I'm just curious. xx
  5. Question (which I think may be too long for the QQ thread): Why is the new KoRn record taking so much abuse? I mean, it's not exactly amazing but I don't mind it. Just sounds to me like a normal KoRn record with more electronic influences! Is it just dubstep fans getting arsey that it's labelled a dub' record when it's not dub' enough? Like how punks get fucked off when someone tries to describe Busted as punk/pop-punk? xx
  6. The only advice I can offer is what I do myself - practice, practice, practice. Write songs until you're sick and tired of the sight of your guitar and you want to rip your ears off instead of hearing yourself sing any more. Record everything you write. Everything. If there. are a couple of lyrics you like, write them down. If you have a melody but no words, hum it into a mic and save it for later. See if any lyrics you've written work with the melody. Use something lo-fi like your laptop in-built mic or your phone's voice-record function. Periodically listen back to everything you've done and see if any scraps and ideas work together and start to build songs. Once you have a song, record it, listen back a million times. Put it on your iPod. If you're sick of hearing it after a day, it's probably crap. If you still like it after a week or two, it's worth putting on a soundcloud page and getting some feedback from impartial ears. Remember - you could be sure you've written the most amazing song ever one day, hear it a week later and wonder what in God's name you were thinking. Personally, I go with the Hemmingway philosophy: "Write drunk, edit sober." Maybe not always literally, but if you just write and write and write everything that comes into your head without filtering it or trying to craft it as you go and just let the ideas flow, then go back and cut all the crap bits out of it, then you might, MIGHT, end up with something you think is worthwhile. BUT, at the end of the day, these things are subjective, so my approach might be absolutely awful for you. Just try and try and try and try everything you can and if something works, go with it. xx EDIT: Also, use less commas in your posts and ignore the snarky abuse you're going to get on this website. The folks here are alright, really, but if you can't handle some good-natured (or really poor-natured in some cases) piss-taking then you'll struggle as a musician gererally in my experience!
  7. OWNING my fucking house! Having nigh on a quarter of a million pounds worth of debt in the form of a mortgage. xx
  8. Didn't you suggest stripping off and huddling under the covers together? xx
  9. Reminds me of my favourite Ramones record - Too Smart to Die xx
  10. Persepolis Animated movie about an Iranian girl raised during the Gulf war. Powerful. 9/10 Candy Heath Ledger gets his girlfriend hooked on smack and it fucks their lives up. Good, but a bit too long IMHO. Cut 20 minutes out of the broody, character deep in thought, scenes and you'd have a winner. 7/10 The Machinist Christian Bale is going crazy. Rather Fight-Club-esque which is always a good thing. Bale is the man. 9/10 Sleeper Woody Allen being Woody Allen. Again, not his best, but not bad! 7/10 The Fighter I love Tom Hardy. He's fucking great. Expected this to be shit, but was gobsmacked by how much I enjoyed it. The film avoids having a simple, black and white, this is your protagonist, you like him. This is the antagonist, boo-urns. Fucking excellent. Will date infinitely better than Rocky. 10/10 Inception Very fantastical storyline, but the film holds its internal logic really well. Takes itself too seriously and becomes pretty stupid and irritating at around the final third. A friend described this by saying "Imagine how much better it would be if it looked like ANYONE involved int he project was having fun..?". So, so close to being amazing but it barrelled downhill once I saw what the end goal of their work was, etc..etc.. 6/10 xx
  11. The cold makes my knuckles ache. Drinking gives me acid reflux. I'm far less angry about things. xx
  12. Bloody Spanish. Seriously though - are the nightclubs over there vastly better than ones here, or is it the same shit, different first language? xx
  13. Aren't you having a siesta? Edit:...and you mean you and I. xx
  14. The fact that kids born in (January) 1994 are now legally old enough to drink. xx
  15. Am I right to think it's Sony you work for? xx
  16. So what, specifically is wide of the mark? I'm sceptical myself but it'd be nice to hear from someone who knows something? xx
  17. Plan is to put a blu-ray in and still have physical discs too if you want them. All just rumours though. I think the "Official Announcements" are coming in summer. xx
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