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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. It was all over the Rock 'n' Roll facebook that they were kicking the Aberdeen branch off the brand because of hygiene. That said, I had work done there and had no problems. Fresh needles etc, all the usual checks. Good work, decent price and they work really quickly. Language barrier can be a bit of a pain in the arse, the receptionist speaks English but none of the artists do, so she has to work as translator. I'll still be going back though, I think there's something awfully fucking fishy about them being "closed down" for hygiene reasons but none of the artists lost their licence and the place re-opened immediately. xx
  2. I don't think this thread is a valueable discussion resource. xx
  3. I didn't know elves made uplifting music? xx
  4. People in "not finding other people's discussions interesting" shocker. xx
  5. Mine was out of warranty but they just replaced it. I think it's something to do with the manufacture date. If it was part of the shit batch that were doomed from day one then you get a repair, or something. You can do it all online. All you need is the serial number. xx
  6. Stroopy121

    i'm watching

    The Good of the Band and of the Ugly? Of the Mice and of the Men? xx
  7. Some genuine advice - get a metronome. Or an FX pedal with one built in, or an app or software or something. You speed up and slow down quite a lot, something everyone can be guilty of but you need to get out of the habit. Otherwise, not too bad. Certainly improvement! Try to be less wooden though, your playing could be a little smoother, especially in the first vid. Just because you're playing the notes right doesn't mean you're playing the song right. Finally, IMHO the delay on the third vid is too much, it goes a tiny way towards masking the odd duff note but it makes a lot of the parts played correctly sound a little... mashed u. But yeah, keep at it! Try practicing some finger-pick/arpeggio stuff, it'll move your fingering in the right direction(fnar fnar fnar). xx
  8. I know that must suck, but it's so, so funny. xx
  9. I locked myself out of a flat and a joiner who is friends with my old man broke in and left zero signs of damage inside 30 seconds. That was just a Yale lock though. Piece of shit. xx
  10. All the best. A friend of mine(guy I went to school with whom I fucking loathe) once stole some Jehova's witnesses' pet duck. And I once stole a Milky Way from Asda. xx
  11. No, Jake, she tells you, that you're too young. And weedy. xx
  12. Stroopy121

    i'm watching

    The Apes of Wrath. Also: xx
  13. Stroopy121

    i'm watching

    But if we all evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?! #YoungEarth #GodsWordIsLaw #AnnoySodaJerk xx
  14. Stroopy121

    i'm watching

    If/when Superior gets made into a movie, that'll have a talking monkey from outer space. Other than that, Dangerous Minds. I hate myself for that. xx
  15. No respect, those kids. Get off my lawn, all of you! xx
  16. On an unrelated note: Why don't the mods bring back the Wasteland? I absolutely understand the desire to NOT have shit patter and in-jokes on the site - the goal is to make it a useful tool for the music community. That said, if the wasteland (or a similar dumping ground for stupid threads) were there, then a mod could move the thread there to be filled with all the tired poop jokes and $hutt£r$p££d jokes in the universe. You could even add function to NOT update the "recently active" threads with wasteland stuff, don't let members watch them so it's a concious effort to look if you want that kind of thing. I find some of the banter pretty painful, but some people find my banter shit too - if fun threads are closed it risks turning members off to the site. If there's a General Discussion area for useful threads like this, and a seperate dumping ground for lad banter, then don't you get the best of both worlds? New members see the useful, helpful community but if members like me feel there's nothing useful or informative to discuss I can still go to a safe haven and show JakeBassist pictures of big poops i has dun, without buggering off to another site. Just a thought and it'd be entirely understandable if the mods and owners of the site just flat-out don't want the custom of people talking about boobs and poop, but personally I'd say that if it gets users regularly posting on the site and having a laugh - and the people who don't want to read the nonsense don't have to - then I can't see the harm. Just a thought.... xx
  17. That's pretty fucking rough. I'm aware that it's of no comfort or help to anyone, and that I have no idea who she is, but I hope she's ok. Also, why is there nothing in the ace-ic thread about dating a leprecaun? xx
  18. Fixed. And as I said, run it by the engineer and it'd likely be fine. Just think of them as the extra member of the band who needs to know everything major that's going to happen and whom you under NO circumstances what to irritate or surprise. xx
  19. I can imagine that unless you have a soundguy who's a lover of Cobain-esque feedback solos to close out sets, then when you rack up the gain and your amp starts to squeal he'll just kill the sound. I would. If you're gonna try stuff like that and you aren't time travelling back to the 90's then I'd work out more-or-less what you're planning to tweak on your pedals, get the effect to a point where you can reproduce the same thing each time and during soundcheck let the engineer know what he's up against. /2p. xx
  20. I'm based out in Alford but will happily travel to you, depending where you're based? I have a trumpet I picked up with the intention of learning a few ditties. I played tuba when I was about 10, but other than that I'm a complete and utter novice. Teach me! xx
  21. What song is Raph playing here: 15984124 He starts at around 1:25 xx
  22. A spate of brilliant Christmas-holiday viewing for me! The Losers DC Comic adaptation where 5 soldiers inadvertantly discover that, rather than carrying out an op for the CIA, they have been doing the handywork of criminal mastermind Max. Cracking performances all round, excellently over-the-top action sequences and some hilarious one-liners. Right up my street! 10/10 Fred Claus Christmas movie telling the story of Santa's older brother, Fred. Vince Vaughn is a perfect casting for the disgruntled, bitter brother and he squeezes a surprisingly large number of laughs out of the "Christmas cliche" ridden story. Lot of fun, especially as Christmas films go. Good fun, would recommend it. 8/10 Let The Right One In Not too much I can say to summarise the plot in this one without giving anything away.. I knew a little about the story in advance and it took the edge off of the story unfolding a little. Excellent, dark Swedish (I think) film about two kids dealing with different adversities in their lives. Slow in parts but very much made-up-for in the more fast-paced sections. Watch it. 9/10 The Nightmare Before Christmas Nothing I can really say other than this is amazing. If you haven't seen it, see it. 10/10 Shutter Island A Federal Marshall is sent to a high security insane asylum for the criminally insane located on a completely isolated island to investigate the disappearance/escape of one of the patients. Good performances, great plot twists. Always thought Leonardo DiCaprio was a bit of a cock but he did well here. Maybe not the best casting call but he did it justice. Another good watch. Could have had it's run time cut by 15-20 minutes is the only negative IMHO. 9/10 Beautiful Lies Audrey Tatou runs a hair salon and is forever offering her clients romantic advice. She forwards an anonymous love-letter, which was sent to her by a secret admirer, to her mother. Confusion and hilarity ensue. Typical french rom-com in that it is much better executed than most of it's British or American counterparts. Lot of fun but in all honesty I had to look up my lovefilm for a synopsis to remind me what it was about. A good watch, but a forgettable one. 7/10 Coco Before Chanel Audrey Tatou once more, playing the part of Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel as she bulldozes her way into the French Gentry and begins to build her fashion empire. I couldn't give two shits about Chanel or any of the reality behind the story, but rather enjoyed the film. 7/10 Wal-Mart - The High Cost of Low Price Documentary on how Wal-Mart are bastards. Fairly poorly produced but very interesting. Basically, don't shop at Asda because Wal-Mart are fucking cuntrags. Worth a look if you're into that sort of thing, but it is fairly poorly put-together. 6/10 The Human Centipede Had to watch it to see what the fuss was about. It started pretty gruesomely with the Doctor talking through the surgery and there are a few fairly nasty scenes but it doesn't take long to become pretty funny in all honesty. The Doctor does play a blinder though, really convincing and genuinely terrifying character at times. The effects aren't quite realistic enough for it to be truly disgusting and it just becomes a bit of a laugh, really. It's on the LoveFilm watch online list, so if you have an account, give it a look. Plus, the one in the middle has cracking tits. LAD. 5/10 Also, just got lovefilm for xbox - it's been absolutely brilliant. Great quality and even on my fairly shitty broadband there've been no hiccups or anything other than when my connection went down. Excellent. xx
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