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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. You also have the same social skills and bladder control. How old are you anyway? xx
  2. I hated Fellowship for the first while but I eventually got totally sucked into it. I love the poetry and long prosaic passages about nothing at all. I read it more as a really, really fucking long poem with the story being almost incidental than it does as a traditional 'Novel'. It entirely depends what you're after when you read it. If you want an action-packed page-turner then it's not for you (the Hobbit, however, is). But if you want a really well-written, prosaic story which plunges you into every detail (from the mundane to the breath-taking) of it's fantasy realm, them the LOTR series is a must. xx
  3. The book just called 21? Or is it one of these adaptations where the book has a clever title and the film-maker things the audience would be too stupid to get it? xx
  4. You'll have people shitting on the floor again soon! xx
  5. Have you met the internet before...? xx
  6. Yeah the hash tagging started as a result of SodaJerk complaining about them. It's his fault. xx
  7. This post made me proper LOL at my desk. #firstworldproblems #annoysodajerk xx
  8. Just wash your arse in the sink. Or if it's really bad, have a shower. xx
  9. Yeah, a burger at TKs is 6oz, big burgers are something like 8 oz.... for those who don't eat 16oz steaks regularly enough to scale it, that's 10.666 burgers... xx
  10. *blush* Good to hear, cheers! xx
  11. When you send a facebook message or a text which you only realise is far too enthusiastic after it's sent. Just sent a text congratulating a friend on a show he put on and each of the four sentences in it end with an exclamation mark. I now feel like one of those cunts who types everything with caps lock on. xx
  12. Glad it's in two parts TBH. Part of me thinks "obvious cash-cow is obvious" but it'd kill the story to try to shoe-horn it all into one film. xx
  13. Yaaay someone likes me XD Cheers! X
  14. Alll I need is a Jean-Claude Van Damme / Pete Doherty murder/suicide on xmas day and the title is mine! xx
  15. Is a lesson half an hour, or an hour? How much is the small extra, give or take..? I live in Alford (10 miles away by google maps' count) and what travel charge would be associated with having you come to, say, captain tom's to listen in on a rehearsal? xx
  16. I love that guy! There were rumours it's actually Ben Folds. There's a video online of him doing it in a packed out theatre somewhere. xx
  17. No, it makes you a cunt. Get your name on your own list, cunt. #OneOfUs #annoysodajerk xx
  18. Only flight I ever missed was in Paris CDG on my way to Rome. Had like a 6 hour layover so got pissed and fell asleep. Lass at the desk just said oh, ok, here have a seat on the next flight in an hour. No charge, no fuss. Can't remember the airline now, which is annoying. xx
  19. Never had a bad experience with BA until now. TBH - the only thing that's fucked me off is the price. £200! fucking farcical considering her original return ticket was only £160. They could've given her a seat on the (nearly empty) plane for fuck all or just next to it, but they are cunts. xx
  20. Yeah it says 40 minutes, I think she arrived 35 minutes before or some shit. xx
  21. Fucking BA. My wife arrived at heathrow today about 40 mins before her flight to aberdeen was due to leave and she wasn't allowed through the gate 'cause they said she didn't have time to get to the plane. She didn't have any fucking bags to check or anything, but they wouldn't let her through. They then charged her an extra £200 for a flight 5 hours later which the cunt on the counter said had "loads of seats left". Fucking ARSEHOLES! xx
  22. Somewhere, JakeB's ears just perked up. xx
  23. Does Will Ferrell have twitter? I looked for him after that Justin Bieber quote made me laugh, but the account @willferrell that's shown on the picture is a fake, and there are a thousand other fake Will Ferrell twitter feeds out there too... xx
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