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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Zangief Kid FTW! And it was more of a modified suplex than a powerbomb. Cunt. xx
  2. Can you see people 'liking' and quoting you? xx
  3. I was just about to come on and post that! Today may be a day for angry tweets. And you take back the worthwhile content from the deleted posts - my old boss is TWPOTY. Other than these fundamentalist religious assholes. xx
  4. Cool1 or Cool Thinker. Pure gold. The Fudge Awards threads have had disappointingly little fighting in them this year. Boo, Hiss! xx
  5. My bad - always forget that Millar isn't the only guy writing Ultimate Comics! xx
  6. But you like shit, so your opinion is invalid. xx
  7. But in Zombieland Eisenberg plays the sappy, pathetic, loved up scenester cunt that cera always does, but he does it in a less punchable, less fucking irritating way! Jesse Eisenberg >>> Dog Shit > michael cera xx
  8. He'd have made them better. Picture that fuckwit cera try to pull off Zombieland or The Social Network and you'll see what a one-dimensional shit swallower he is. xx
  9. I know, I like the poo. Scott Pilgrim isn't a bad film - but it's positive merits are all in spite of cera being in there, not because of him. Same with Superbad. Jesse Eisenberg would've been a better call for both! As would Tropher Grace. Never seen Arrested Development, but Youth In Revolt, see Superbad and SP. Cera contributes fuck all to these roles other than punchability. You're the whiny bitch, Spider-Man is awesome. Fuck you. xx
  10. Michael Cera IS a cunt. He's a festering, AIDs-ridden, puss-weeping, blistered, rotting cunt. Fun Fact: Jesse Eisenberg is better at playing Michael Cera than Michael Cera is. Don't even get me started on Spider-Man, you fucking sack of cunts. I'll kill you. I'll kill you and I'll fuck your corpse. JakeBassist, for being a cunt. And talking about poop. xx
  11. Michael Cera for being a fucking cunt. Mark Millar for killing Spider-Man. Everyone else. Cunts. xx
  12. Look at captain fucking resonable chiming in when the fighting has ceased. xx
  13. I did know that, and I do know the band. I just forgot to remember that I knew that. xx
  14. Lies. The ginger one in the Sugababes is attractive. xx
  15. Then stop being in such a shit band. What band are you in? xx
  16. I see what you're getting at but remember you mentioned the local band threads and it's a bit of a wasteland! Everyone has heard of AID because of their (absolutely fucking incessant) online campaign for the Red Bull thing. Dweller I heard of through here and twitter, Grader I'm a friend of one of the members but if the rest aren't advertising their stuff enough then that's the fault of the bands, not the scene. xx
  17. Grader - Love some of their stuff, some of it notsomuch Dweller - Love em. Fuckin' Love em. Autumn In Disguise - A bit of a take-or-leave affair IMHO. Some of their early stuff was pretty cool but also rather grated on me at times. The new stuff just sounds like would-be Katy Perry songs with a very girly guy doing the vox. It's pop music for people who don't want to like pop music. Shiner - Heard the name, never followed them though. Prelude To The Hunt - See Shiner. Heard a few of their tunes though and quite liked them, just never really followed them. Hounds - Absolutely no idea who they are. xx
  18. Ok, we're dangerously close to agreeing here. But see those assholes who strut around like rock gods..? Those are the same kids who walk around town wearing their guitar like a fashion accessory. The same kids who you said you used to be one of, and didn't see any more. The scene is exactly the same. You're just not in one of the cliques any more, so it all looks like wankers being cunts and the whole thing is shit. As for the "I write and perform music I like, regardless of anyone else's opinion" stuff, I 100% agree. If you play a good gig it doesn't matter if it's to 5 people or 5,000. (Obviously it matters a little, if you played to 5,000 you can make a living from your music and all the rules start to change, but that's wayyy off topic). However: the bit in bold, I (ironically) have no idea who or what you're talking about... xx
  19. No, I don't. Who are you? Why should I care? What fucking difference does it make to this discussion? You're upset that your band don't have anyone coming to your shows? Maybe your band are just shit and now that your mates won't come along purely because their your mates you're stroppy because your gigs are empty? What a contradictory statement to make... they are all assholes because no-one wants to make friends with you? And as for the "looking for fights" thing - that's what drunk kids do! xx
  20. I am too, I'm just a cantankerous wanker who enjoys expressing his opinion in a very arsey, cuntish way. Personally, I agree. But that all comes back to the point I was making - it's not a scene it's a clique and it's awesome if you're on the inside otherwise it's shite. xx
  21. This whole argument is fucking stupid. You're not describing a "music scene" you're describing having a lot of mates. Mates who are in bands and who go to see your band and vice versa. Gigs full to capacity of 'friends of the band' don't happen as much any more because there are a thousand gigs a week on in town now and nobody can afford the £5 on the door and £4 a pint to go to them all. Generally speaking, a new band's first gig will fill the place with mates who then fuck off after their slot and leave the venue empty for the 'headliners'. A music scene is a city full of venues where you can go and see a band of any genre you fancy on a regular basis if you're so inclined. There's a really active metal/hardcore scene up here and a pretty good indie scene. There's a fairly strong but rapidly dwindling pop/punk scene as the pop-punk kids are growing into hardcore kids. A music scene is NOT a party at a band's house after the gig for everyone who attended because they all went to school together. New Noise/Korova is where all that shit happens now. Nothing has changed, you're just not a part of it any more and in 10 years time the current clique of bands will be the 'old boys' talking of how their scene died a death when the next wave of kids pick up guitars. xx
  22. Due to them all being #cunts you want to #fight? xx
  23. ....doesn't that make it more of a scene now rather than the clique you're describing from 'back in the day'? xx
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