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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Horses for courses - I'm not saying they are a bad band, just not to my taste is all. And off the top of my head they were the best example of a style of music which is pretty popular in the Aberdeen scene of which I'm not a fan. YOU FUCKING CUNT! xx
  2. Also - are you sure the problem isn't that you just don't have any mates any more? xx
  3. In all seriousness - trolling or not - it's the same with anything but especially in music. The scene has evolved over the years, as have you. You evolve in different directions but since you've followed all the changes in yourself, you think you're still the same and it's the FUCKING WORLD THAT''S CHANGED, MAN! As above, the scene still lives. It seems (to my eyes) to be heavily populated with either hardcore bands, or the particular brand of indie/pop that I'm not a huge fan of (see Indian Red Lopez for example), but there are still some fucking cracking bands coming out. Especially mine. So don't diss the fucking scene, you cunt. xx
  4. You're wrong. I can hate any cunt who has been in anything. Especially michael 'I'm awkward, isn't it just so fucking diabeties-inducingly endearing' cera. I won't even capitalise his fucking name on principal. Fuck him and everyone who looks like him. And everyone who has a similar sounding name. If your name is schmichael cena, then fuck you, you pile of festering cunts. xx
  5. I've never read Scott Pilgrim because of my blistering hate for michael cera. I really shouldn't let that stop me reading the comics, but in all honesty it probably will. #hipster? xx
  6. They all do. Then again, almost all band photos like that make you look like a sword swallower. xx
  7. Searching for "recursion" makes me giggle, too. xx
  8. None of these bands are punk. Fuck you. Fuck all of you. Cunts. xx
  9. The new Avenging Spider-Man series and Mark Millar's Superior are making pretty good reading so far! xx
  10. Ahh I thought that was you! Excellent stalking. (I always finish late, so fuck you.) xx
  11. I understand that, just baffling to have to let a jury decide that what she was saying was actually racial abuse... #cunts #AnnoySodaJerk xx
  12. "Emma West, 34, broke down as video of the alleged incident was played to Croydon magistrates court" "A woman broke down in the dock as a video allegedly showing her racially abusing fellow passengers on a busy tram was played out to a courtroom." Alleged?? It's a pretty fucking definite incident considering she watched the fucking thing on video?! I understand the need to qualify things like "John Smith (aka John W) allegedly creeps into people's bedrooms to watch them sleep" just in case they aren't true... but surely it's not necessary to qualify describing what you've JUST WATCHED HAPPEN!? xx
  13. Just had a listen - some fantastic stuff. Especially enjoyed Dusty Valentino, Oxbow Lake, Foxhunting and Les Pelicans. A few others really stood out as being fantastic but I wasn't familiar with the bands and can't remember which they were. But none the less - awesome work to everyone involved. xx
  14. I'll confess the north-east is rift with less-than-palletable colloquialisms, but that's completely irrelevant. Jist cuz I hae an accent disnae mean I canna hink ither foke sound stupit wae theirs. xx
  15. The New Castle. Doesn't work for all of them. Unless there's a team called the Castle. Pet Hate: the way Geordies say newCastle, rather than Newcastle. Get your emphatic priorities straight, cunt. xx
  16. He offered me your pin number and a pair of your mum's underwear in exchange. I couldn't refuse. Sorry. xx
  17. Picture doesn't seem to be working..? xx
  18. I don't get why there's so much hate for BotB contests. It's a great idea. You pay money to enter the gig and if you can bring enough fans (friends) then you recoup the money. If nobody likes you then you make a loss. The clever bit is the BAND gets fucked if the gig is a flop and the promoter is always making a profit. The clever extension to the premise is that if you bring enough fans to your gig, you get to play to a lot of people! It's such a clever trick! If only ALL gigs functioned this way! xx
  19. Will get some tonight. Since I don't have interwebs at home it may be easiest if you PM me your number and I'll text them to you. #technology #annoySodaJerk xx
  20. Wife is picking mine up today since she works round the corner. Well excited to hear all the contributions! xx
  21. Dining Room table and 4 matching chairs, free to good home but collection in Alford only. Few minor scuffs on the top of the table but still in full working order. There is also another pair of chairs to go, but they don't match the table set. xx
  22. Heinz Chicken Soup. I remember it being the source of all happiness when you're feeling shitty with the cold/flu. I had a tin in my office drawer as an emergency supply over the winter, incase I find myself ill at work. So today I'm sitting here, essentially a big ball of phlegm with a heartbeat, and I fire up the soup. It tasted like wet paper. Fucking disgusting. Fuck heinz chicken soup. xx
  23. One or three are fine. Two is unacceptable. xx
  24. Even if they are trollin' the ensuing shitstorm can oftimes bring a few latent fuckwits out from the shadows who can provide some comic relief. xx
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