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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Did you manage to get my final track that was put into Kilau yesterday? xx
  2. I'd assume that it means the BBC can broadcast people being racist and saying racist things but they'll have to do so impartially. "Person X thinks this, person Y disagrees..." kinda thing...? xx
  3. Ahh marvellous. I didn't realise being a bigoted, intolerant, slack-jawed fuckwit was illegal but it makes me happy to know it is =] xx
  4. I'm pretty disappointed that the guy behind her was subdued by whom I can only assume to be his other half. Looked like he was gonna smack her when she said what I heard to be "Nigger-agua", and rightly fucking so! xx
  5. I'm confused - what could she be arrested for...? Breach of the peace, maybe? Don't get me wrong, what she said was fucking abhorrent and I'm happy she's being punished for it, I'm just curious as to where this kind of behavious sits legally..? It's classed as racial offence according to the Beeb website, but is offending someone really grounds for arrest? Or is it one of those grey areas where if I offend someone by saying that their football team are inferior to my football team then no one will really care but in extreme cases like that then action can be taken? xx
  6. Buying a house and getting tae fuck outta the city! I fucking love being a cuntry-dweller! xx
  7. AHHHAHHAHHA FINGERLESS GLOVES?! They're SO last winter! xx
  8. I want to give my kid a name with no vowels in it. Pnsngltn. xx
  9. Contaminated Japseye...? xx
  10. Ungh... Want. I'd have to sell my 4x10 (unless you'd consider a trade?) to raise some of the money... So maybe... I'd have to try her out first too before selling my 4x10... I'l think about it. xx
  11. Heartburn. Fuck heartburn. xx
  12. I believe the connectors are standard but I'll check and post a picture tonight. No aux port on the front, just what you can see in that link plus the CD player behind the face. xx
  13. If Gladstone flakes out today then its yours Ron. xx
  14. Thanks but no thanks Jake. Although if that bass is still going I might take her off your hands after I finish my current project. As it is, the Wii et al is now sold pending payment from Gladstone. xx
  15. Done and done. I'll be at cap'n Toms tonight 7-9 if that's handy for collection? xx
  16. Old phones going if you need a spare? An old Nokia and an old Erricson. Fully functional with chargers. Take em by Friday. xx
  17. Tell me more about the bass...? Link to the thread? xx
  18. Goodmans GCE-7350-MP3R Same story as the Wii, either it goes by Friday or it goes to Cash Converters. £30 for a quick sale? hat or chuck me an offer, I'll probably take it. xx
  19. EDIT: ALSO: There's one of those steering wheel handle things. And I've noticed that I do infact have a fully intact sensor bar, I just never got around to hooking it up after buying it. xx
  20. Got a copy of Assassins Creed (the first one) that's gathering dust due to having two copies. If you want it, let me know by Friday or it's going to a charity shop. xx
  21. As it says on the tin - need a fast sale due to moving house end of the week. We have; A wii. 2 x controllers with nunchucks and rechargeable batteries and those rubber sheathes to stop them smashing your TV if you throw them. 1 x docking/recharge station (in the spirit of full disclosure, either 1 of the docks or one of the batteries is defective. Controller works perfectly well with ordinary AA batteries though.) 1 x balance board (original, not the 'plus' version, but I'm not even sure if there's any difference...) Wii Fit Wii Play Wii Sports Mario Kart and Rayman Raving Rabbits *Important note* There is NO sensor bar with this, my cat chewed through the cord for it. Replacements are cheap but I never got around to buying one. Ideally looking for £50 all in but will consider any offer just to get rid of it before the weekend, so put in a cheeky bid, can't hurt! Friday morning the lot is going to cash converters and I'll take whatever they give me (unless it's really fucking insulting, then it goes to charity shop on principle). xx EDIT I'm also after some stuff for building a custom bass so if you have any hardware/pickups etc for a bass going, lemmie know if you wanna part exchange...?
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