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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Hey, I'd bet if the $p33d guys recorded some of their work from before they went commercial and sold out, minds would be blown! xx
  2. An idea has popped into my head; to try to put together a charity CD of local artists' recording covers of really obscure, old songs they wrote back from their first bands etc, or covering old tracks by other local (or local-ish) artists that they think are either really awesome or hilariously terrible. Would anyone be up for submitting anything or this? Any thoughts on whether this is a good idea to actually follow through, or one of those "it's a nice idea, but no-one would actually buy it.." kinda things? xx
  3. Send a copy to Liam or Mitch at Daily Dischord. Will PM you contact details for them. xx
  4. I love that her surname is Faill. That makes me happy. xx
  5. Pet Hate: worse than genuine food snobbery is being "checking in" to places like TGI Friday and wanking on about how it's the BEST FOOD IN THE UNICUNTINGVERSE! Cunts. xx
  6. See also; beer, wine, whisky, food, music and ANYTHING ELSE THAT EXISTS! xx
  7. I do the whole swirl, smell and sip thing if I'm drinking nice wine, because I like nice wine. It's nice. That said, I'm not one of those dicks who claims to find notes of "buttered toast" and "tree bark" (both of those I've actually heard people say) in wine. If I'm drinking a bottle of co-op own brand for £5 (reduced from £10, obv) then yeah, take a large glass and fill her up! xx
  8. Common as cunts, so they are! xx
  9. Yeah but you can sue them if you walk into a door or something because you're exhausted from your 20 hour working day... xx
  10. Pet Hate: When women don't accept compliments when I'm being creepy and rubbing their shoulders. xx
  11. EDIT - that's Monster I'm thinking of. I think. I can't remember. One of them is fucking amazing though.
  12. Yes only it's FUCKING DELICIOUS! It doesn't take like caffiene with a slight juice flavour, it tastes like an actual soft drink you'd buy for the sake of having a drink. I'd compare it more to lucozade, only with the same effect as redbull et al. xx
  13. Nescafe Gold >>> Dogshit > Starbucks. xx
  14. People working in Subway are Sandwich Artists. I'll let 'barista' slide until that shit gets sorted out. xx
  15. Heroin. I fucking love me some heroin. xx
  16. That would be shift. Shift this cold. xx
  17. I just need to shit this arsing cold so I can lay down final vocals. xx
  18. One dick shared between them all? Like as a rite of passage you have to take a bite of this mammoth property-tycoon dick, tied into the shape of a pound sign? Or eat a regular dick each. Human, or animal? I'd like to see them each chomp through a hippo dick. Would take them weeks to chew the skin up enough to swallow, if they ever manage atall. xx
  19. Really? Noone wipes their jizz off the floor at St Andrews? Or is the mess all caused when they miss the crackers? xx
  20. How do gigs at Tom's work? Bring a bottle, bands play in a practise room and people crowd into the room with them? Or do people listen whilst meandering in the corridors...? Which room do the bands play in, etc... xx
  21. What other kind of feminmist is there?! xx
  22. Is he, in reality, as much of a bellend as he comes across in that thread? xx
  23. So he won't stop fucking or fuck poorly. What a guy. xx
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