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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Leave. I'm pretty sure the lyrics are basically her telling him to fuck off and him refusing. xx
  2. Shit, I didn't realise Dennis Ritchie died last month! xx
  3. This is the most SHOCKING piece of shitty, catty, unprofessional behavior I've seen in a while! http://www.facebook.com/ritchieinnes/posts/214262588646348 For those if you who don't have Facebook, the gist is; a guy posted a link to his band's newest track someone asked where it was done and pointed out that the song was pretty good but the production was a bit sloppy producers from Loop production chimed in (bear in mind this is on the guitarist's profile and the guitarist hasn't said a bad word about the place) and start ripping into the band, using phrases like "Shite in, shite out" and "can't polish a turd"... xx
  4. I'd be up for that, too! Give me a shout when this starts moving forward and we'd be happy to play! xx
  5. There doesn't appear to be an instruction #10? This makes me angry. xx
  6. Dave the Mod is the only conservative on the forum. xx
  7. Teabags drinks in the Moorings. $hutt£r$p££d are awesome. Aberdeen is an exaggerated fishing village. xx
  8. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless! xx
  9. A different approach: Do RnB stock/sell anything like this? If they have none, would they be able to order one in? xx
  10. What the fuck you gonna do about it?! xx
  11. Ahh in that case I stalked you! I now know who you are but you still don't know who I was! Inverted-stalk! xx
  12. I have no idea what you look like - excellent stalk. Unless of course you just read me talk about being there in the ace-ic thread and faux-stalked me... xx
  13. Pretty sure they've has some 'full band' gigs in there too.. I think Autumn in Disguise played there. xx
  14. Yeah, fucking amazing gig! Best I've seen in Tunnels by a long way! Also Ace-ic is Scroobius Pip tweeting "I've just seen a poster in some bar called Snafu saying I'm having an after-party there! I'm not. I'm having a 5 hour drive." before the gig yesterday and the resulting shenanigans. Funny thing is, they advertised it as £2 admission but after that debacle, end of the night there were cunts handing out flyers for it as "free entry".... Cunts. xx
  15. [FUNFACT] The recognised term for a song getting stuck in your head is "brain itch". [/FUNFACT] Can't be fucked finding the 'something I learned' thread, plus I learned that ages ago so it'd have to be someone else who posted it there. /nobodycares xx
  16. Taking a leaf out of JakeBassist's book. xx
  17. This all sounds like iOS was always pretty shitty and is now a little bit more like android.... xx
  18. Monday morning bump for my question. xx
  19. Karma Tsunami in the Beautiful Mountain the other day buying a sandwich at lunch time. xx
  20. They all liked The Simpsons before it went mainstream. xx
  21. I have. I saw Kel do it on Kenan and Kel once when I was a nipper. Monkey see, Monkey do. In all fairness, it wasn't that bad - but I fucking love onions. xx
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