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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Does the Boots a Onion Square do prescriptions? xx
  2. I wish I had more big gay friends. xx
  3. Their Spicy Veggie sausage rolls are win. Win as an adjective. They are win. xx
  4. Yeah I saw that - the title was misleading or some-such-shite. I hope she's infertile. xx
  5. Drive The story of a young man who is spectacularly capable behind the wheel of a car getting involved in organised crime as a result of trying to help his boss and his neighbours. A wierd performance from Ryan Gosling - I was adamant his character was meant to be autistic during the first third of the film.. There's a lot of raelly ham-fisted cinematography early on... long lingering shots of characters staring at each other and into space with intensely contemplative scores playing over the background but literally nothing happening and no apparant meaning behind it. The cheesy 80's soundtrack and credit sequences also hint that the film is set in the past but the entire film looks and feels 100% modern day. A very, very strange watch. The film moves up a gear in the final third, tying all the threads of plotlines together nicely and bringing it all to a very enjoyable (if a little obvious) conclusion. Would have been a winner had the score fit better and the character interaction between Gosling and Carey Mulligan felt less like two kids at a school disco awkwardly yearning to hold hands. 7/10
  6. Youtube has some amazing lessons and BassChat has some fantastic resources for beginners. Have a poke around there. I'd look for some "intro to slapping" type videos as it's such a versatile skill in bass playing and really opens it up to more than just playing roots and fifths. xx
  7. Soda Jerk. Just now. On a bridge. Punting my dog into a river. xx
  9. I had completely glossed over Charlie Brooker until that, now he's my hero! xx
  10. Why all the Jim Gellatly hate? I don't listen to the radio much/atall so I've never listened to his show, but I met him in the lemontree one night and, chatting to him, he seemed like a decent guy.. Just people here disagreeing with his taste or is there any specific event that set him into the bad books? /aberdeenmusicaresoclosedmindedblahblahblaholdboysclubblahblahblah xx
  11. No, drat, that's not what I'm after actually. That's only for unread whatched threads. I want somewhere all my watched threads are easily accessible whether they're read or not... xx
  12. Aha!! I didn't spot that one! I just thought that watching a thread meant you get notifications under the alerts. Excellent work. xx
  13. You're quite possibly right, but I don't let something as fickle and meaningless as accuracy get in the way of correcting people. xx
  14. Charlie Brooker's twitter is also ace-ic. As is this article from the Guardian following it: xx
  15. Just an idea - maybe add a function where you can bookmark certain threads, add a dropdown menu next to the Alerts button. There are a handful of threads I post in very regularly and it'd be nice to not have to dive through the forum links to post if they aren't among my notifications. Might be a lot of work for such a minor addition but just thought I'd put the suggestion out. xx
  16. No problem, just trying to help. Pet hate: Faux non-specific bitching. HAI SCOOTRAY!! Pet hate: People taking a barely-funny joke and stretching it way past the 'overkill' line. xx
  17. Drank* Pet hate: People who use incorrect tenses. xx
  18. I'm after a drum pad - ideally one that I can either load samples on to, but if that's expensive one I can plug into a laptop will do. I doesn't need to be fancy, i'll just need to hold a few audio clips, a few seconds long and trigger them when needed. An individual drumpad will do if I can change the sample between songs, it doesn't need to be one of the big, expensive boards. Anyone know where I can find what I'm after? I've tried eBay but they only seem to have either practice pads or the big, expensive jobbies - although I could be searching for the wrong thing. Is there a specific name for this thing? xx
  19. If you have 9 hours before bed you'll have closer to 16-17 before work the next day... It won't feel like it, but it's be there. xx
  20. Comic reader on my phone. Really intuitive and easy to use, plus I can read issue #1's and really old, rare comics for tuppence. xx
  21. Fun fact - when defending castles during sieges in days of olde, they would pour vats of scolding hot jam off the castle walls killing any attackers attempting to scale/attack it. xx
  22. You, sir, are a fucking genius! Shit coffee powered central heating! xx
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