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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Damn americans. Quick, everyone buy a Gibson before the value shoots through the roof! I wonder if they'd be able to just move the factory to India and worry about the import customs at the customer end? xx
  2. Pet Hate: Starbucks Coffee. If you have the ability to warp the laws of physics on your whim, why the fuck would you use it to make coffee that's 13,000°C? This fucking cup has been sitting here for nigh on 20 minutes and I can only just start drinking it. xx
  3. I'd second the G&L recommendation - stunning basses. xx
  4. Wait, I was under the impression that this'd cost a fortune? I send you a design, I get back a drum skin with the design printed on it for £40? You have any pictures of work you've done previously? xx
  5. First/only time I've seen them, so tbh they could have stood there in silence and I'd have thought it to be, at worst, a fairly mediocre performance. That said, you're right about Zombina's voice getting lost in the mix. /fanboy xx
  6. Curators Turning 13 Malpaso Gang Zombina and the Skeletones (OOT) Other than that I haven't been to as many gigs this year as I'd have liked. xx
  7. Pics or it didn't happen. Pet Hate: getting out of a really warm bed when the flat is fucking freezing. Pet Hate cont'd: Shitty storage heaters that stink when you turn them on and put my heating bill through the roof. xx
  8. I really enjoyed this movie but completely agree about the ending - I admire their subtlety and how they don't beat you over the head with the revelation, but I think they oveplayed the hand a little. xx
  9. I wouldn't know as not one cunt on my fucking list has kacked it. I'm gonna put my own name on it perpetually and live forever. xx EDIT: Also, fuck being 28th! I'm joint 18th! That sounds far less pathetic! xx
  10. Anyone have Steve Jobs? Goes to show you shouldn't fuck with Microsoft... xx
  11. Put my name in the Maybe pile too - could have some fun with this! xx
  12. Ahh, I had hoped to resume the tale with a giant dick sucking up all the mysterious blue piss and see where it goes. Dissappointing. xx
  13. I got bored after the giant penis hatched and a dragon came out, which my giant penis then fought off with his giant penis. I did giggle at the giant penis putting fires out with its mysterious blue piss but that was as far as my attention span would take me. xx
  14. this album is going to be utter gash. I bet it only has like, 5 or 6 Proclaimers songs on it! xx
  15. You should fake laugh at all his jokes and goad him into doing a standup open mic night. You should $hutt3r$p33d him! xx
  16. Yeah some complete fuckwits around those parts, but good for a laugh if nothing else! xx
  17. Excellent stalk. I certainly was rocking like a bastard. xx
  18. After losing my phone I should be up and running again tonight, Stroopy121. Let's 'ave ya! xx
  19. I thought he meant that China will eventually take over the world.....? xx
  20. Like puppies with moustaches and pushy parents. xx
  21. Technically she was either offering sex AND wifi or wifi for sex. Not sex for wifi. xx
  22. Pet Hates: 1. Never having had a hooker for a flatmate 2. Public bathrooms with only one shitter cubicle. I went to take a nice relaxing dump after a meal out with the wife last night, just as I dropped trou I heard the door swing open and the cubicle door being rattled by someone who didn't quite fall for the old "lock reading occupied" trick and had to test the water. I then spent the next 5 minutes frantically forcing a shit out nearly giving myself piles while this dickhead paced back and forth in front of the door! xx
  23. If Flights doesn't take that, I might depending on spec. xx
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