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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Say your a woman too, you'll get more offers from what I hear...? xx EDIT: On a less sarcastic note, I can kinda see why - as a non-smoker myself I'd be mighty fucked off if I rented a room to a smoker who claimed to never smoke in the flat to find out that was bullshit, or that they did when they were pissed... etc.
  2. 1. Was she hot? 2. Did you ask if your girlfriend could join in? 3. LAD! xx
  3. Fuck me, November Raid and Tainted Love. Two songs I'll never, ever enjoy! And of course there's every single Nirvana ever released! xx
  4. Oh jesus that was on as well! Papa Roach - Last Resort... SO MUCH CRAP! They'd also always have a 'Best of Greenday' and play Basket Case then all the singles from American Idiot. Cunts. xx
  5. Anyone out there have an old phone I could have? I lost mine - got an Orange sim card replacement but the old handset I'm using is vodaphone and won't let me use it. In exchange, I can offer a hug....? xx EDIT: Literally any piece of shit will do as long as it's unlocked/orange friendly
  6. I had Kerrang on in the background over at a friends' flat the other day - the playlist was more or less exactly the same as it was 10 years ago when I used to watch it religiously! Alkaline Trio - Stupid Kid Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal O.P.M. - Heaven is a Halfpipe Linkin Park - One Step Closer There were almost NO songs that I didn't recorgnise from watching it back then! xx
  7. Friends With Benefits The best rom-com I've seen for a long, long time. Very obvious, derivative plot line full of cliches but it's done with enough self-awareness to stop it from being grating. Fantastic performances from Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake as well as a wonderful background role for Woody Harrelson. For what it is, it's damn near perfect. 9/10. xx
  8. Music videos that stop the song to add sections of shit acting and awful dialogue. 30 seconds to mars springs to mind - that stupid fucking scene where the song stops for a sword fight. A fucking SWORD FIGHT! Some pretentious dickhole thought the song needed to stop so that the sounds of swords clattering together could stand out more. Fuck music videos. Also - the spate of local bands who seem to be spending a fortune having production groups make videos for them... If you're gonna do that shit, at least do it yourfuckingself and give it some character! Cart->Horse. Let's make a professional video then Kerrang and Scuzz will show it and we'll be famous! xx
  9. /every pop video ever. Meaningless tripe. To the Pet Hates thread!! xx
  10. I'm not a fan of his music at all, but I fucking loved him in Friends With Benefits. Infact, I love him in just about anything I've seen him act in. xx
  11. Slutbags leading you on is she? xx
  12. You're wrong. That was never funny. xx
  13. I'd like to go on record and say this was NOT me and whoever it was should be killed with fire. xx
  14. Can we have a new thread for this discussion - this is NOT A QUICK QUESTION! xx
  15. Apologies - the calendar event says but I neglected to mention it here! It's at The Forum, doors open at 9pm. xx
  16. Tickets now available online at http://heronextdoor.bigcartel.com/ or will be in OneUp as of tomorrow! More acts added to the bill, we now have: Dolly Tartan The Pocket-Sized pin-up Princess from Glasgow. Cheeky, cute and sexy, Dolly's routines are sure to enchant and entertain your audience. Tom Delish " Tom DeLish ... toned and rangy as a racehorse, stricking poses and throwing shapes, all pelvic thrust and defiant eyes. Had Hen Broon hung out at Studio 54 he might have looked rather like Tom DeLish." - Scotland on Sunday- Scarlett Flame the girl who makes you want to play with fire, performing across the UK and Europe, Scarlett Flame brings you the dark side of burlesque. Roxy Stardust if its fun, frolics and a cheeky wee wink yee seek then add a little sprinkle of Stardust to get the ball rolling Molly Teaser Sweet like chocolate, Miss Molly Teaser is renowned for her comedic quips and cabaret lips performing dazzling dance to sultry sing-and-fling burlesque. This curvaceous cutie is guaranteed melt in the middle material. Bambie Dear With her cheeky sense of humour and confident, graceful presence, Bambie Dear will leave you in awe at every turn! With routines from bouncy to beautiful you are sure to be left wanting more. and Mocha Deluxe "Mocha Deluxe... has incorporated spectacular acrobatic techniques into a romantic vision of burlesque." - The Skinny During the evening you shall also be entertained by Pole Pursuits owner, Cat Spence with an impressive pole dance performance. Rapunzel Wizard “Hilarious and hard hitting political poetry” – Comedy Capers Comedy by Stephen Rose Robin Grainger & Scot Stewart Music from Marie Claire Jones & Miss Maybee If you fancy it, please give the facebook page a look and hit that sexy little "Attending" button and feel free to spam all your friends with invites too. You know you want to. xx
  17. Any of you lot catch us? Any feedback...? xx
  18. So how old are you, 30? 35? xx
  19. Awh for fuck sake when did they cut it even more?!? xx
  20. That's not ridiculous - that's an incredible feat of science and a step towards making cheap-shit, smart price meat not be an ethical minefield. xx
  21. I am. Total, total cunt. Please apologise to your mate from me if you'd be so kind. xx
  22. Me, when I am drunk. I fell off the wagon after a long time on Thursday and ended up in Drummonds committing some kind of stupid fucking one man stage invasion, fucking around with someone's keyboard and ruining their set, then getting thrown out whilst kicking and screaming and managing to hit one of the barmaids in the process! I feel absolutely sick with myself and am in the process of attempting to make amends. Genuine apologies to anyone whose night I ruined. xx
  23. He is. What a monumental CUNT I was that night. Apologies to your fine self and anyone/everyone else who fell victim to my horrendous cuntishness. Incidentally, I can't remember hugging you so I still don't know who you are. xx
  24. Good spot. I'll let you decide weather it was deliberate or not xx
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